Christians who have newly given their lives to Jesus may find it difficult bearing testimony at the initial stage of their new life. Some are ashamed of being seen with the bible, in company of other believes and putting on modest Christian attire.
Matt 10:7-14; Jn 20:21; 1 Pet 3:15; 2 Cor 5:20
The following are some of the factors hindering believers from confessing Christ to others:
- The Fear Of Man: After giving their lives to Christ, some believers may be afraid to tell their parents, friends and class-mates of their new found faith due to fear of being mocked, isolated or persecuted (Act 23:1, 4:19,20).
- The Old Shameful-Self: Some believers maybe ashamed of their old self. As a new creature, old things are passed away. There is no need to continue to ruminate over ones past sin because they have been washed by the Blood of the Lamb and therefore, should be remembered no more (II Cor. 5:17, 18a)
- Inferiority Complex Or Shyness: Every child of God is supposed to be as bold as lion and should not be ashamed of anything or any man. The Apostles were never afraid when they faced the scribes and Pharisees. (Act. 4:19, 1-3, 19-19), So, let no believer be ashamed of confessing Christ to others. (Rom 1:16, 2 Tim 1:12)
The rapture is almost here with us we must work now that it is day for night cometh (after the rapture) when no man can work (Jn 9:4) you must therefore, rise to your responsibility now that there is still time to do so. There are many souls out there waiting to hear the good news from us. It is time to announce to the world that Jesus saves! (Rom 8:19).