May 1, 2020



2020 FASTING FELLOWSHIP               MAY 1ST-3RD, 2020



Topic:                   GETTING INTO GILGAL DIMENSIONS                          (Day 1)

Texts:                    Jos.4:19-24, 5:1-12, Jn.15:16


Our theme has to do with BEARING FRUIT (Gendering) as stipulated by the Lord Jesus (Jn.15:16) through a series of activities that we shall caption “Gilgal Operation”. And to effectively participate in the said operations, one has to get into a usable state, the realm of power captioned “Gilgal dimension (realm)”.


It must be noted that the Lord knew about the pandemic before informing us about a year “score score” (a year of gaining marks as a sportsman, and ranking situations as a judge).


The Lord that has preserved us in the COVID season would have us to be productive through entry into Gilgal dimension.


Gilgal dimension in our context is the state where the capabilities of the positive events of Gilgal (in the Bible times) are inherent in someone.


Let’s now consider some events that took place at Gilgal:


*    Gilgal was connected with the rolling away of Israel’s reproach by their circumcision after long neglect of the ordinance in the wilderness (Jn.5:7-9).


*     It was the launching pad of the conquest of Canaan (Jos.4:19-24)


*     It was a location in the circuit of Prophet Samuel, the judge of Israel (1Sam.7:16)


*     It was the place of coronation of King Saul (1Sam.11:15). Unfortunately, the impatient and impenitent king also forfeited the founding of a dynasty and got rejected in Gilgal (1Sam.13:4-15, 15:20-23, 16:14)


*     It was at Gilgal that the representatives of the tribe of Judah went to welcome David after the death of Absalom (2Sam.19:15,40)


*     Gilgal was the location from which Elijah commenced his journey to the chariot of fire (2Kgs.2:1-4)

And there, anointed Elisha neutralized the poison in the pot of food (2Kgs.4:38-41).


So Gilgal is first of all, a place of circumcision of heart and removal of spiritual reproaches (Gen.17:11, Deut.10:16, 30:6, Isa.6:1-8, Ezk.36:25-27, 1Thess.5:23, Heb.12:14-15).




Ps.103:1-5- Appreciate God for His faithfulness and keeping power towards the G.S, entire watchman and your very self.

Prov.28:13 –  Repent of your sins, confess and forsake

Heb.12:1 – Present besetting sins to the Lord (if any) like anger, hatred, boastfulness, lying, talkativeness, arrogance, pride, selfishness, worldliness, gluttony, greed, fear, anxiety, worry, lusting, evil imagination.

Jer.10:23, 13:23 – Express your incapacitation to the Lord and your confidence in the work of Calvary  (Heb.10:10,12).

Ezk.36:25,26, Isa.6:5-7 – Pray for purification of your heart even Isaiah’s experience. Purity is the key to Gilgal dimension (realm of power).




2020 FASTING FELLOWSHIP               MAY 1ST-3RD, 2020



Topic:                   OPERATING IN THE GILGAL DIMENSION                               (Day 2)

Texts:                    Jos.5:1-12, Jn.15:16


Yesterday, we explained our theme as: Bearing fruit through unique activities (captioned Gilgal Operations). We said that: to conduct such activities, one has to dwell in a special realm (Gilgal dimension). Then, we showed that the getaway to that realm, is circumcision of heart (Isa.6:1-7).


After the national circumcision following the 40years of wandering in the wilderness and failure to keep the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen.17:10-14), the Israelites were poised to match into and possess the promise land.


The first assignment was to TAKE THE CITY OF JERICHO through OBEDIENCE to simple instructions: walking around the walls and blowing the trumpet on the last lap and shouting out loud (Jos.6:1-5).


NB: After the circumcision appeared the Captain of the Lord host (Josh.5:13-15).


Therefore, Gilgal dimension goes with FAITH and OBEDIENCE to divine instructions .


Faith sees beyond the size of a challenge or opposition. Faith focuses on the incomparable superiority of the source of the instruction (   Heb.11:1,6 ).

Apostle Peter walked on water when there was faith, but as soon as he began to focus on appearance, he sank ( Matt.14:24-31                          ).


These are times of boisterous winds/waves, and so our focus must be on the Lord of all circumstances (cons. Pro.21:31). Initially, Apostle Peter obeyed the Lord with precision and enjoyed the supernatural until he disconnected from his source and began to sink.


There is no place for disobedience at Gilgal, as that was the bane of King Saul’s reign causing him forfeiture of founding a dynasty and loss of office and the Spirit of God (1Sam.13:4-15, 15:20-23, 16:14).


When there is faith, prayers are answered and declarations/decrees are established (Mk.11:23,24).


Let’s rise up to exercise our faith in prayers and declarations.



Phil.4:6 – Let’s thank the Lord for all he has been doing for us individually and as a body. Remembering the man of God and his family whom He has sustained.


Zech.4:6-10 – Let’s ask the Lord to remove the mountain of COVID-19 and the attendant problems from our nation.


Jer.50:18-20 – Let’s ask the Lord to execute judgement on Babylon (all oppressors in this nation) and restore our nation.


Acts 16:31 – Let us pray for the salvation of all members of our family/household.


Ezk.37:1-10 – Make your personal request to God and prophesy life and success to your program and those of the church.


2020 FASTING FELLOWSHIP               MAY 1ST-3RD, 2020

                                  SEASON OF SCORE-SCORE                       (Day 3)


Topic:                   KNOWLEDGE, A POWERFUL ASSET IN GILGAL DIMENSION                  

Texts:                    Jos.5:1-12, Jn.15:16


Gilgal dimension is a realm of divine power obtained and sustained through purity, and enlarged through knowledge (Heb.1:8,9, Jn.8:32, Prov.24:3,4).


The Lord buttressed the irreplaceable position of knowledge in kingdom progress by lamenting at the consequences of its lack (Hos.4:6, Jer.8:7), but encouraging and ensuring that His servants possess it (Ps.103:7, Jer.9:23,24, Amos 3:7).


Joshua was told to acquire it through habitual reading and meditating on the word, for therein lies success  (Jos,1:8, cp. Ps.1:1-3); and the manifestation of the Captain of the Lord’s host was simply to boost his faith for the battles through knowledge (Jos,5:13-15). It was knowledge that made Joseph not to terminate his divine program at Potipher’s house when his mistress enticed him to sin (Gen.39:1-20). It was the knowledge that Elisha had about the glory of service of God that made him abandon his lucrative agricultural business to follow the Prophet Elijah  unto his ascension to heaven (1Kgs.19:19-21, 2Kgs.2:9-13).


The Lord Jesus stipulated that the disciple should bear fruit; knowledge is crucial in this business of  occupying (Jn.14:12). Faith comes through knowledge acquired (Rom.10, 2Pt.1:16-21) and success comes through application of acquired knowledge (Jas.2:18,24-26). To bear fruit abundantly, one must have, and apply knowledge of the word.


We shall lift up some scriptures, believe and apply them for the exercise of today, and testimonies are bound to follow.




Ps. 95:1-7 – Let’s magnify the Lord for His greatness and care for us. Thank Him for the grace given you to go through this exercise. Bless Him for our GS and what He has used him to accomplish in our lives.


Isa.40:28-31 – Ask the Lord to renew your spiritual and physical strength having waited on the Lord. Let Him place you in the realm of unceasing fruitfulness (Gilgal dimension).


Matt.18:18-20, 16:18,19 – Let’s join our faith together and ask for the neutralization of the plans to the enemy to stop the church in this nation.


Jer.10:11 – Tell the Lord to humiliate all those that have made themselves gods in this nation and all over the globe.


Isa.5:8,20 – Pray that the Lord will decisively deal with all those taking other people’s land, and those supporting them.


Zech.7:8-14 – Pray the Lord to scatter the terrorists, blood letters and ritualists with His whirlwind.


Zech.10:1 – Ask for rain of revival in the Church at this time


Isa.2:2,3 – Ask for inflow of people into the watchman


Neh.1:9 – Pray for the needy in the Church that the Lord will meet their needs beyond their expectation. Pray against affliction rising a second time.


Matt.7:7,8 – What else do you need? Ask the Lord.


Ezk.37:9,10 – Let’s prophesy health, wealth, success and growth to: the GS; His under pastors; members of the Movement and your nuclear family.

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