July 17, 2018


Passage: 1Chro. 17:1-27; Ps. 119:65,76
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1Chro. 17:1-27; Ps. 119:65,76

A survey of the Holy Scriptures (The Bible) reveals a steady and consistent pattern of events and occurrences. This pattern is that of occurrences/events, happening according to the Word of God, either spoken directly by God Himself or indirectly through His servants (the Angels or Prophets) (Matt. 2:14-15,23-). To Adam and Eve, He said, Athe day you eat of the forbidden fruit you shall surely die@ (Gen. 2:17). It happened as said. To Noah, He said AI will bring down rain upon the whole earth for forty days and nights@ (Gen. 7:4). It also happened so.


From Genesis to Revelation, we find innumerable accounts of “God said” and it came to pass according to His Word. In this series of Charismatic Hour messages, we are going to follow this sure pattern of truth to rake in blessing from the store house of God.


Today, we will look at two points: (1) Unusual Instances That Prove Our Point (2) One Great Instance To Our Advantage.


(1)       Unusual Instances That Prove Our Point (Gen. 18:10-14; Lk. 1:11-20; 26-36)

The accounts we have read are instances when God said things that seemed unbelievable and impossible. However, at the fullness of time all the things came to pass according to His word. Sarah became a mother at 90 (Gen. 21:1-7), Elizabeth also brought forth a son at her old age, and Zacharias who became dumb on this account, due to his doubt, spoke to name the child (Lk. 1:57-65).  This was also according to the Word of God. The blessed Mary conceived a child in her virginity and brought forth a proper human child, also according to the Word of God (Lk. 2:4-7). Given all the above unusual instances, what is there that God has said, that shall not come to pass according to His Word?


One Great Instance To Our Advantage (Mal. 3:9-12; Lk. 6:38)

The God of heaven the Possessor of heaven and earth (Gen. 14:18-19). The One who has the unbroken and unmatched record of keeping His words, and doing according to His words no matter how difficult or impossible it may seem, has challenged the sons of men, the Watchmen in particular today. He said bring your tithes and offering to my house that there may be meat (resources, provisions) in my house and prove me now herewith…@.


The big question then remains, “Can this God still do according to His words in our generation?” We will answer this question today as we respond to His request to pay our tithes, give our offerings, and also redeem our vows. Then we shall stand the grounds to desire of the LORD, to do unto us according to His words.


Surely, He who, according to His words made a virgin to conceive and bring forth a child, will perform His words in Mal. 3:10-12; Lk. 6:38. SURELY, HE WILL. (Ps. 119:65).


Let us rise up now to call upon His Name.


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