November 5, 2019

Arise And Eat

Passage: 1Kgs 19:1-8; Isaiah 55:1-5; John 7:37-39
Service Type:

Bible Text: 1Kgs 19:1-8; Isaiah 55:1-5; John 7:37-39 | Charismatic Hour (05/11/19)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos


Topic:                                        Arise And Eat


Texts:                      1Kgs 19:1-8; Isaiah 55:1-5; John 7:37-39


It is the LORD=s desire that we realize all our dreams. He is aware of the enemy’s onslaught and threats that have set fear in the hearts of many believers through the unfavourable economic policies. Though they can boast of dreams that the LORD has empowered them to realize, the wicked one is yet threatening them with sights and sounds, fire and brimstones to discourage, frighten and weaken them.


Today, the LORD is set to assist everyone to realize the outstanding dreams. What He gave Elijah when Jezebel was breathing out threats against him for touching his prophets, He will give us today, in Jesus name. There are cakes and cruse of water (a double portion) for each and everyone of us, enough to strengthen us for the journey ahead of us. We must get ready to eat and drink until we are empowered to finish the remaining enemies and realize our outstanding dreams.


After Elijah had realized his dreams of turning the hearts of his people back to the Almighty God through the disgrace and judgement of Baal, his prophets and altars, he still had that wicked woman, Jezebel yet breathing fire and brimstones against him. The prophet that did such a great exploit was frightened, discouraged, weakened, ran away for his dear life and desired to die. But, for God (as long as He lives), Elijah must fulfil his ministry, and anoint men that would render comprehensive judgement to that wicked woman, her followers and her gods. Elijah must move on as a matter of accomplishing the task ahead of him. Therefore, Elijah must receive fresh inspiration/anointing. He must arise and eat (double portion) for the too great a journey ahead of him.


Are you experiencing any form of threat? Has some kind of fear or discouragement or weakness gripped you because of the threat of some wicked one? The LORD is saying to you, Arise and eat for the journey. He wants you to eat His word of promise that nothing will make you fail to realize your purpose to the fullest. It is time once again to consider all His promises in the scriptures touching your case, stand firm on them and call upon the LORD to release His Glory and Power upon you so that you can realize them. It is a day you will be suddenly woken up with great miracles and grace that will strengthen you in the LORD for the great days ahead. Instead of seeing the wicked one pursuing and threatening, you will see the angel of the LORD waking you up with startling miracles and God=s glory upon you, in Jesus name.


Let us rise and pray.

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