August 20, 2019

   Be Of Good Cheer

Passage: Jn.16:33
Service Type:

Bible Text: Jn.16:33 | Charismatic Hour (20/08/19)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos


Topic:                                           Be Of Good Cheer

Text:                                                              Jn.16:33


Tribulations abound in the world and they cause sorrow, grief and pains. They are aimed at unsettling the believers and keeping the unbelievers under the fears, reproach and torments of the wicked one. They may have filled your ways. But the LORD is charging all those sincere seekers that have come to be or that are bonifide members of the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement to be of good cheer/comfort because of all He has spoken concerning the Watchman. None of those promises will fail in Jesus= name. Your stones must be turned to pillows in Jesus= name. He is assuring that all those things which have been gazetted or are being schemed against us that are contrary to what He has spoken in our favour will surely crumble like a pack of cards today in Jesus= name. This is a day the LORD would want Watchmen to put Him in remembrance of all that He has spoken about (promised) them and those who are newly coming to this great and unique Movement.  This is a great and unique day of great and unique deliverance and miracles – the blessings of the Almighty God. Now, let us consider what the LORD has said about us, especially from the mouth of our General Superintendent and decide to put God in remembrance of those things for our blessings.


One of those repeated pronouncements is that this Movement is a channel of blessings to all sincere seekers of God that come in contact with this Movement (Ministry). We have been repeatedly told that we are journeying onward to Canaan land with all the attendant promises in that song. Also, the unfailing LORD has told us that He will bring us to that for which He called us and that without measure. Furthermore, He said of us that the Man (the Watchman waxed great, went forward and grew until he became very great). Did He not say of us that though Israel (the church) be not gathered, yet shall the Watchman be glorious in the eyes of the LORD and His God shall be his strength? Watchmen, the LORD said that we are sacred cows and that we and the children He (the LORD) has given us are for signs and wonders. Did He not tell us to bring Jacob again to Him, raise Him the tribes of Jacob, restore the preserved of the LORD, be a light to the gentiles and instrument of salvation (healing and delivering the oppressed and possessed of devils) to the ends of the earth, warn the adamant? Does anyone go to battle at his own charges? Can the righteous and faithful God give us such a great and unique assignment without some commensurate great and unique blessings? Is our kind of calling not such that guarantees good health and long life?  Is it not a capital intensive calling that requires God to open us the windows of heaven and pour blessings that there will never be rooms enough to receive them? Are we not to be so arrayed with the fruit and gifts of the Spirit that we become the tall and beautiful fearless army for the End Time onslaught of the LORD against the mighty? Is there a people that should have favour with God and man like us? The list of promises and challenging questions that must move heaven to attend to our needs are endless.


Now, let us cheer up, rise in faith and talk to God based on what He has spoken to us as a congregation through the mouth of our General Superintendent.


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