February 28, 2019


Passage: Jonah 1:1-6
Service Type:


Prayer Meeting (28/2/19)


Topic:                        BUT JONAH WAS GONE DOWN AND FAST ASLEEP

Text:                          Jonah 1:1-6


Jonah was a Prophet to the Northern Kingdom of Israel during the reign of King Jeroboam. Jonah refused to carry out the divine instruction of warning the people of Nineveh about the coming judgment as a result of their wickedness. (Jonah 1:3). He rather responded to the mission by running away, refusing to deliver the message. While the sailors saw the exceeding danger that befell them such that everyone went into prayers calling upon his god (as many will not be brought to prayer till they are frightened to it), God’s servant was deeply asleep! One would have expected him to be busier than all others; but he rather went down into the hold between the sides of the ship to sleep, and neither the noise without nor the sense of guilt within could wake him up.


Today, there are so many people in the Christendom (including the Watchmen) who are playing Jonah in the midst of the present situation in the country. They are spiritually asleep and totally unconcerned with the happenings; no fasting or prayer even though they see people around them tossed around by the storms of life, without God, and are heading into eternity, without Christ.

The Watchman has been called and given an urgent message to deliver. As a result, God does not expect any genuine Watchman at such a time like this to play a Jonah. The Lord told His servant (Our G.S) that no one can sit on the fence and be guiltless in the New Watchman. Every person is enjoined to anchor anew in the programme of the Lord. The entire world (Nineveh) heading for destruction is waiting for that Jonah’s message that will bring repentance and restoration. Let us vow that we will not play Jonah at this time, but rather be at our duty post (Ezek.3:17; 33:2,6).

Prayer Points

Let’s appreciate God through songs and praises for who He is and all His benefits toward the Watchmen. HSCF 20,10,12
85:6 – Pray for the revival of your soul, spirit and body, also for the entire Church with her Leadership that the spirit of Jonah will not be upon us.
5:22-23; Col.1:9-11 – We need the fruits of the Spirit, therefore cry unto God for His transformation so that the Church in general will be filled with these virtues.
Acts 18:14-17 – Pray against the spirit of indifference in your life.
Loose the spirit of love for the souls upon your life; then ask God to save sinner-neighbours (Rom.9:1-4; 10:1-4)
24:1-2; Jer.23:23-24 – God owns the earth and the inhabitants of the earth are His creatures.
Tell God to prove to men that He owns them by thwarting all their evil agenda against the church in this nation.
Those who think that they can hide from Him and continue in their evil should be exposed and disgraced.
Ask God to vindicate the righteous and recompense the wicked in this land -those who engage in bloodletting, kidnapping, ritual murder, oppression, and all forms of violence, etc. (Ps.109:1-3, 6)
29:11 – Pray for other matters pertaining to your life and family.


HSCF 237

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