August 13, 2019

But Speak The Word Only

Passage: Mt.8:5-13; Lk.5:17; Heb.4:12-13; Acts 8:5-7
Service Type:

Bible Text: Mt.8:5-13; Lk.5:17; Heb.4:12-13; Acts 8:5-7 | Charismatic Hour (13/08/19)
Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos

Topic: But Speak The Word Only
Texts: Mt.8:5-13; Lk.5:17; Heb.4:12-13; Acts 8:5-7

Discovering the power in the word of God is all that the centurion needed to have his servant who was grievously tormented by palsy healed. This is what many that have been coming to God lack and therefore deny themselves begging miracles. God, who has magnified His word above His name (Ps.138:2) has vested the power to change and judge situations on His word (Jn.1:1-3; Jn.12:48). So, our attitude to the word of God at our disposal determines what we get from God. Let us now consider this message under the following points: (1) Why Speak The Word Only (2) Receiving And Speaking The Word Appropriately

(1) Why Speak The Word Only (Num.23:19; Heb.4:12-13; 6:17-18; Jn.6:63; 1:1-5; Ps.119:89; 138:2; Jer.1:12; Is.55:8-11; Mt.5:18-19).

The word of God, being God has all the attributes and potency of God, the Almighty. He is quick and powerful, ever recognised and settled in heaven, reveals the thoughts and ways of God, the deep and secret things so that we can ask according to God=s word that creates and recreates. He prevails over all and sundry, is magnified above all God=s name. God is ever waiting to defend His word. The word is the sword the Spirit uses.

So, speaking the word is announcing God with all His attributes and potency. It is setting all the amours of God in motion. It is releasing an indescribable and immeasurable authority, which nothing or no being can withstand or resist. It is declaring the judgement of the apex court in the Spiritual and Physical worlds (the Court of Heaven) for execution or enforcement. Where the Spirit is, speaking the word is stirring Him up for action.

(2) Receiving And Speaking The Word Appropriately (Is.66:2; Mt.5:19; Acts 2:41; Mt.8:8-10,13; 2Chron.20:20; Jer.23:28-29)

To achieve the desired results from the word of God, both the speaker (especially) and the receivers must be people that tremble at and hallow God=s word. The receivers must gladly receive God=s word (1Sam.3:10; Acts 2:41). Both the speaker and the receivers must speak and receive the word in faith, being aware of who the word of God is and what He is sent to do. When this rule is religiously observed, the results from speaking God’s word becomes tremendous on both the speaker and the receivers. Now we should get set to receive His word on our needs. Somebody should say like the centurion, A Speak the word only and all my needs will be met@. Now hear His word: Lk.11:9-13; Mt.11:28; Is.45:22; Jn.16:24; 1Kgs.3:5.

Now that the LORD has spoken, what ought you to do. Rise and seriously get engaged to heaven for your needs with His word.

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