March 19, 2020


Passage: Matt. 7:1-11
Service Type:

Bible Text: Matt. 7:1-11 | WEEKLY BIBLE STUDY (19/03/20; 26/03/20)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement


Topical Study:                         CHRIST’S SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Study 20):



Text:                                                               Matt. 7:1-11


INTRODUCTION: In the previous study, we were admonished on Why We Must Not Worry And Be Anxious and What We Instead Must Do In The Face Of Need (cp. Matt. 6:-25-34). Today, we come to the chapter that concludes Christ’s sermon on the Mount, which directs us how to practically order our conversation aright, both toward God and man. The study we have before us – “First, Remove The Beam Out Of Your Eyes” bothers on how we should conduct ourselves in relation to the faults of others. The Lord knows that the tendency in man is to magisterially condemn others and justify himself. It is against this background that He says: Judge Not, showing Why.  He goes on to give The Manner Of Approach To Right Judgement and The Means To This Right Approach In Judgement


The Meaning Of and Reason For ‘Judge Not’ (Matt. 7:1,2)


In this statement ‘Judge Not’, Jesus seeks to correct the hypocritical and judgemental attitude of the Scribes and Pharisees in which they tear down others in order to build themselves up. It is not a blanket condemnation of all critical thinking.


This means that we must not assume the position of a judge to rashly condemn, set at nought and speak evil of our brother or anybody else for that matter (cp. Rom. 14:10; Jas 4:11). The statement ‘Judge not’ condemns passing uncharitable and unmerciful judgements, with a spirit of revenge and a desire to do mischief.


The Lord would have us to judge with righteous judgement, knowing that with the measure we mete out it shall be measured back to us (cp. Jn. 7:24; Matt. 7:2; Jas. 3:1).


The Manner Of Approach To Right Judgement (Matt. 7:3-6)


Understanding the meaning and implication of judge not, we should make right judgement as commanded us (cp. Jn. 7:24). The first step to right judgement is to first of all pick on and correct our own errors and faults (cons. Matt. 7:3-5). It is naturally easier for one to observe and pick on the errors, mistakes and faults of others than those of oneself. It takes conscious decision to be inward-looking, with a view to picking on and doing away with one’s own errors and faults. And this is what we are commanded to do (cp. 1Cor. 11:31; 2Cor. 13:5). The physician should first heal himself; he who wants to teach and correct others should first teach and correct himself, as otherwise is hypocritical and offensive to the Lord (cp. Matt. 23:1,2; Rom. 2:17-24). The appropriate thing is for us to judge ourselves first and then lovingly forgive and help our brother/neighbour, and not be judgemental and hypercritical with them while excusing and wrongly justifying ourselves (cons. Gal. 6:1,2).


Another manner of right approach to judgement is to be careful not to give holy things to dogs and pigs (Matt7:6). This means that we should take note of the futility in trying correct and teach holy concepts to the unwilling and reprobates who will make mockery of such. This does not mean that we should stop giving the word of God to the unsaved but we must be wise and discerning in what to teach to whom, to avoid wasting precious time (Eph. 5:16).


The Means To This Right Approach In Judgement (Matt. 7:7-11)


It is restated that man has penchant to be self-justifying and others-condemning; to be critical and judgemental of others and excusing of self. It surely requires the finger of God for him to now turn around to be critical and judgemental of self and excusing of others. It has to be as a result of gracious work done in the person’s life. And to receive such work of grace and wisdom, he must have asked, sought and knocked (Matt. 7:7-8). We can of our own selves do nothing (cp. Jn. 5:30). And Jesus makes it clear that without Him we can do nothing (Jn. 15:5).


God who knows our frailties and shortcomings assures that if we ask, we will receive, if we seek, we will find and that if we knock the door will be opened to us (cp. Matt. 7:7-11). Note that there is nothing we can ask that is better than spiritual virtues and  spiritual qualities. So, if we go on asking in faith, we will without fail receive.


In conclusion, judge not that ye be not judged, judge rather righteous judgement, by first removing the beam that is in your eyes … (Matt. 7:3-5).


Let us pray.

Fellowship Songs:    (HSCF 156)

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