February 11, 2019


Passage: Psalm 102:8-13
Service Type:

Bible Text: Psalm 102:8-13Series: 21 DAYS FAST AND PRAY 2019 | INTRODUCTION:

To everything there is time and season, while the earth remains, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not fail says by the Almighty God (Eccl.3:1, Gen.8:22, Lam.3:37).

The Watchmen have come to their time of showing forth because their light is come, after a long night of challenges and stiff oppositions. With what God did recently at the “BESOTH” and His glory upon His Chief Servant (The Angel of the Church), there is a great sign or indication that our time has come, as He remembers our toils and sacrifices all these years.

Let every genuine Watchman get ready for the time of our favour has come as the man of God’s ministry begins this year.


Prayer Points

89:1 – Let us praise and sing of the mercies of the Lord to the entire Watchman family beginning with our father in the faith, our Diocesan Pastor and every other person.
33:10-11; Heb.11:12 – God who keeps His covenant with His own elect has promised the Man of God that he will rejoice again as he lives to see the wonders of His (God) power. Let us remind God about all the good promises He had made to His servant that the time of the manifestation has come (Ps.21, Num.26:13).

As his ministry begins at 75yrs, he will continue to enjoy divine health, healing and wisdom as never before. Also favour with God and men as Jesus enjoyed (Lk.2:52, Matt.10:25).

5:12 – Ask God to bless and favour His servant the Diocesan Pastor with his family and protect them from all evil.
Pray that the Watchman Ministers and the Congregation will enjoy divine favour, protection and preservation this year like the Israelites in Goshen (Exod.8:22-24).
45:2-3 – Pray for open doors to genuine members of this ministry so that God’s project can be readily sponsored.
Isa.43:4-6 – Pray for the return of backsliders and influx of people from all walks of life into the church.
Present your personal needs and that of your beloved ones asking God that it is your time to be favoured (Ps.102:13).

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