February 16, 2019


Passage: Daniel 4:20-26
Service Type:

Bible Text: Daniel 4:20-26Series: 21 DAYS FAST AND PRAY 2019 | INTRODUCTION:

Although the entire world acknowledged the emperor, Nebuchadnezzar as a mighty king, God demonstrated that he was an ordinary mortal (Ezek.28:1-2). The proud king would go insane and become like a beast for seven years, God humiliated Nebuchadnezzar to show that He, not Nebuchadnezzar, was the Lord of the nations.

Ponder anew what the Almighty can do and then picture those men and women in our land that have made themselves lords, gods, untouchables/unconquerable etc.

The heavens still rule today, therefore the people of God must not lose any sleep when they have the immirimious God as their King of kings and Lord of lords (Rom.11:33). He is still the same and unchangeable Changer.

Prayer Points

100:4-5 – Let’s enter His gates with thanksgiving and praise.
28:1-2 – Let’s pray against all that have made themselves lords like Nebuchadnezzar in this nation that God will prove to them that He is in charge, by thwarting their evil and ungodly plans/policies.

All plans of the ungodly to rig the elections or cause war must be frustrated by the Lord. All those that have evil agenda against this nation and against the people of God to wipe them away must be disappointed by the Lord (Dan.6:19-24).

54:15-17; Ps.21:1-13 –Every gathering and meeting in any quarter against the General Superintendent and the family should be scattered. Let God beat down and shame all the enemies of His servant and ministry.
14:14; Deut.1:29-30 – Ask God to frustrate every kingdom/power that is ganging up against our Diocesan Pastor and family. Let God go against everything that wants to go against His servant and his ministry. Decree – Ps.20:1-9.
23:23-24 – Pray and ask God to nip in the bud every Satanic plan and programme against your life, family, the brethren and the Church of the living God.
11:5-6, Prov.11:5b – Every gallow and death sentence issued and signed by spiritual/physical Haman and his people against your lives, families, brethren etc should boomerang. The wickedness of the wicked should fall upon their heads this year.
Others – Personal Prayer Points.
18:16-18 – Let us corporately make decrees that must stand.

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