February 4, 2019


Passage: Deut.2:22-24; 1Cor.16:9
Service Type:

Bible Text: Deut.2:22-24; 1Cor.16:9Series: 21 DAYS FAST AND PRAY 2019 | INTRODUCTION:

Ignorance of whom we are fighting with is a great undoing of the children of the kingdom of God. The devils have taken advantage of this to rob us our privileges and blessings which God has ordained for us. As we buy the truth and sell it not, knowing that we are not fighting against flesh and blood but powers in the unseen world, we must sit up and contend with those forces (Eph.6:10-12).

Satan and his cohorts always abort the programme of God for any child of God who feels unconcern about the operation of the wicked ones (Gen.26:15, 18-22).

At the Cross Over night, the Lord through His servant announced to the Watchmen in the diocese saying “BEHOLD OUR LIGHT IS COME” but one must understand that Satan will not fold his hands and watch that light to shine freely.


Prayer Points

HSCF 4 – Our God is the Lord over all lords and kings therefore let’s proclaim that to the hearing of all and sundry.
109:1-3; 28-29 – Pray that in the midst of oppositions that God will continue to bless you and the entire congregation of the Watchman.

Also God should cover all our adversaries with shame and leave them in utter confusion.

11:6 – Let God’s snares, fire, brimstones, horrible tempest rain on the head of all our adversaries so that they will know that God is the Lord over the whole universe.
Pray and stop every power resisting and hindering God’s blessings and glory in your life and that of the brethren. Ask God to thwart every secret agenda of the devils and their cohorts to divert your blessings/promises of God.
56:9 – Cry unto the Lord against the enemies of the Man of God, the Diocesan Pastor with their families. Let the Lord’s thunderbolt scatter and destroy every one of them.
Ps.35:1-8 – Contend against the people/power behind Boko-Haram and the Herdsmen and all those that want to eradicate Christianity.

Bind the spirit of the bond woman and his activities in this nation. Neutralize the enchantments of their sorcerers using (Isa.8:9-10).

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