February 5, 2019


Passage: Exodus 7:8-12
Service Type:

Bible Text: Exodus 7:8-12Series: 21 DAYS FAST AND PRAY 2019 | INTRODUCTION:

We are in the very last days that were predicted by our Lord Jesus Christ when a lot of things will be manifesting in order to deceive the very elect. Among these are the operation of the false prophets (the magicians/sorcerers), false teachers and agents of Satan in the house of God.


In our text, we saw how Aaron cast his rod as was commanded by the Lord and it became a serpent, the magicians of Pharaoh were called and they cast theirs and brought serpents also; but Aaron’s rod swallowed theirs to prove the superiority of God’s power.


In our own time, there are a lot of magicians Jannes and Jambres that needs to be disgraced as we wield the rod of God’s word to silence every falsehood else many brethren will be swerved away. Although miracles can help us believe, it is dangerous to rely solely on them, Satan can imitate some parts of God’s work and lead people astray. We can avoid this error by letting the word of God be the basis of our faith.


Prayer Points

HSCF 17 – Let all the creatures of God hail His power over the whole universe and crown Jesus Our Saviour, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
7:10-12 – The Church of God is facing a stiff opposition at the hands of these false and occultic ministers as it was in the first exodus. But God proved to Pharaoh that He has no rival by silencing the powers of the magicians/sorcerers.

Let’s pray that all the magicians/sorcerers of this last day be disgraced and let their folly be made manifest.
Let all the places of falsehood be closed down and let God expose their evil activities.

16:18; Isa.11:9 – The gates of hell cannot prevail therefore ask God to arise and prove Himself in the Congregation of the Watchman.

Pray that God’s knowledge will fill the Watchman Congregation and from there spread to all the places according to Isa.11:9.

Micah 4:8 – Pray for the Man of God that the testimony of this prophet will be his own experience at this time of challenges.
4:14 – Let God bring this promise to pass in the life of our Diocesan Pastor and his Pastors in Lagos Arch-Diocese.
Ps.37:12-15 – Pray against all evil programmes designed against the Church of Christ in this nation
Pray for yourself that you will be used of God to declare His power to your generation as a Watchman (Isa.58:1-2).


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