November 25, 2018


Passage: ISAIAH 49:5, 6
Service Type:

Bible Text: ISAIAH 49:5, 6 | INTRODUCTION: Recently we considered the place of Remission Of Sins, and last week, it was Gift That Follows Remission Of Sins (Acts 2:38). We saw that when one receives remission of sins, and the gift of the Holy Spirit up to baptismal measure, one will have and manifest the fruit and gifts of the Spirit which will make one put on the beauty and reflect the image of Jesus (cp. Rom. 8:29; 1Cor. 15:49).


Having been thus equipped for the great service, we are now poised to the challenges of our calling – The 11th Hour Business, We shall therefore be taking a brief review of The 11th Hour Business, while concentrating on Divine Inspiration To Embrace The Business.


A Brief Review Of The 11th Hour Business (Isa. 49:5,6).

It is to be reiterated that God has committed to the Watchman what He (God) has termed The 11th  Hour Business. The term 11th Hour Business refers to the latest possible preparatory work/arrangement of the Church before the rapture. The break-down of this 11th hour business as seen in our text is as follows: (a) To bring Jacob again to Him (Isa.49:5),   (b) To raise up the tribes of Israel (Isa.49:6),   (c)   To restore the preserved of Israel (Isa.49:6),  (d) To be a light to the Gentiles (Isa.49:6),   (e) To be God=s means of salvation unto the ends of the earth (Isa. 49:6).


Divine Inspiration To Embrace The Business (Isa. 49:5,6).

Usually, there are things that inspire and influence people to embrace whatever they are holding unto. This is so, whether it is in the religious, political, academic or any other circle. It was the love of money in the purse which Judas was in charge of that influenced him to turn deaf ears to the words of the Lord Jesus (Jn. 12:6; Matt. 26:21-25). The joy of executing God=s plan for the salvation of mankind and the glory that would follow it were what influenced Jesus our Lord to endure the contradictions of sinners, the agony of the cross, despising the shame (Heb. 12:1-3).


Regarding this 11th-hour Business of the Watchman from the Lord, He (the Lord) has said, done  and is still saying and doing things that are meant to inspire/influence us to hold tenaciously to the calling. Consider the following inspirational statements embedded in the text.


Formed and elected from the womb for this service (Isa. 49:5). We were formed in our mother=s womb for this purpose, like Isaiah, Jeremiah, etc. (Isa. 49:5; Jer. 1:4,5). A little reflection on the history of your life (if you are Watchman indeed) will convince you that God formed you in the womb, and preserved you all this while so as to do Him this service. This awareness will ginger you into zealous pursuit of this course (for which you were created and are kept).


Even though the assignment is not yet accomplished, we are glorious (honourable, precious, unique) in the sight of the Lord (Isa. 49:5; 43:1-7).


The Lord being our strength, the one backing, defending us, and the source of our boldness, etc, while we are executing the business (Isa. 49:5;  Judges 6:12-14; 1Pt. 3:12,13). Testimonies abound to this effect.


The fact that it is not a light thing (Isa. 49:6). Is it indeed a light thing or a small privilege that, of all the people in the world, blacks and whites, rich and poor, educated and uneducated alike, God should choose us for this great service? Paul the apostle considered his high calling a great privilege, was very grateful to God for it (1Thess. 2:3,4; 1Tim. 1:12-16) and so pursued it with his last breath (cp. Acts 20:17-24; 21:11-14). He charged the Corinthian Church to consider their calling into the faith such a privilege and so live up to expectation (1Cor. 1:26-29). No less charge is given to us all today. Rise and let us pray.


Fellowship Songs (HSCF 3 & 12)


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