April 2, 2019


Passage: Josh.1:13-16; 6:6-10; Psalm 126:1-4
Service Type:

Bible Text: Josh.1:13-16; 6:6-10; Psalm 126:1-4Series: FIRST FRUIT FAST – APRIL 1ST – 7TH |  INTRODUCTION:

The deliverance of Jerusalem was so glorious that it seemed like a dream. It was indeed outstanding, such that the heathen around gave glory to God (Ps.126:1-3). Despite these deliverances, the people still had other areas where there was need for divine intervention. And so they cried out, “turn our captivity o’ Lord”, as the streams in the south (Ps.126:4).


The early testimonies of life are expected to serve as a stimulant to the believer to proceed in trusting and hoping for more as challenges of life arise. For as long as we remain on earth, there will always be times of challenges and testimonies respectively (cons. Gen.8:22). And one of the keys to bumper harvest is learning from previous experiences wherein some strategies were deployed to arrest situations.


And as long as the church age lasts, there will be brethren that broke-through into wealth and those that are struggling to make ends meet. The successful are to consider the struggling (Gal.6:1-2, 7-10).


The Watchman has a mandate to stand in the gap for the land (Isa.62:6-7); therefore, we must not relent in calling upon God to turn the captivities of the people as the streams in the south (the term “streams in the south” signifies profuse, abundance).


There are true children of God that are still under the oppression of devils: suffering in various forms. Such need prayers for the perfection of their salvation, so that they may enjoy freedom and fullness of joy (Lk.16:7-75; Jn.8:36; 15:11; 16:24).


The Watchmen must not be weary but rise up to meet God’s expectation: to save the distressed world (Pro.24:10-12; Jonah 1:5-6; Rom.8:19-22).


Prayer Points


Ps.103:1-6 – Begin to ponder anew all the blessings, deliverances and preservations that God has granted you as an individual and we as the congregation.
Thank God for the health of the man of God and that of our mummy G.S (Ps.124:1-8), with other ministers including the Diocesan Pastor.
Ps.125:3 – The rod of the wicked represents every form of affliction, problems and situations that want to take our life and faith away.



Mention those rods of the wicked in your life and tell God to deal severely with them so that your faith  will stand firm in the Lord.



Every rod of the wicked against our GS and the family, must receive God’s blow so as to enable him to focus in the work of God.
Pray and tell God to deal with every rod of the wicked in the life of our Diocesan Pastor and other ministers.
Joel 2:17 – Let all the Pastors and Ministers in the congregation come to the altar and cry unto the Lord concerning the brethren who are passing through severe trials in their lives
At the end, let them lift up their hands and bless the brethren reminding God of all His good promises towards the Watchman brethren.


Let’s thank God for answering and removing our troubles from us.

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