April 3, 2019


Passage: Josh.1:13-16; 6:6-15
Service Type:

Bible Text: Josh.1:13-16; 6:6-15Series: FIRST FRUIT FAST – APRIL 1ST – 7TH | INTRODUCTION:

In life, great leaders like Joshua are rare. Often a time, people appointed to leadership positions fail because they were either not equipped for the offices or forget their purpose, hence drift away in the tide of human ego: crushing passive  opponents, suffocating their subject as they wantonly squander the limited resources. And so without faithful and ethical leaders, the society crumbles as the populace will have no direction.

Joshua reminds the two and the half tribes of the obligation to go over Jordan with their brethren and assist them to settle, as their brethren assisted in securing theirs in the other side of Jordan (Josh.1:13).

The natural tendency in man is to be less enthusiastic in other people’s matters when his has been secured. So Joshua made know that they were under obligation irrespective of the decease of Moses (Josh.1:13-16).

When the believer begins to enjoy some rest by God’s providence, such is expected to purpose to honour God with his advantages and render service to the household of faith, and the unsettled brethren in particular. (2Sam.7:1; Ps.132:4-5; Gal.6:1-2,9-10).

Watchman leaders were recently challenged by the angel of the church to recognise the existence of needy brethren. The Man of God called on the people whose health, marriage, business, etc are blossoming to appreciate that there are those passing through the furnace and attrition in theirs and render due benevolence..

Joshua carried out Moses’ instruction to the letter, so must the Watchman ministers of our time. We must continually engage in spiritual warfare for our brethren who are finding it rosy.

Prayer Points


HSCF 10, 20, 18 – Let’s worship God with these songs reminding Him about who He is and the greatness of His power.
Joel 2:12-16 – Let us with all our hearts call upon God on the behalf of our single sisters and young widows in our midst that God will remember and settle them.


Pray for the brothers whose lives are reproachful: unable to settle their bills, get married, etc. that God may remember them and grant them deliverance (Ps.32:8).
2:18-24; Matt.13:25 – The original plan of God is that man and his wife will become one in everything, but the wicked ones have sown tares of disagreement and disunity in many marriages today.



Let us cry unto God and ask Him to visit the marriages of the brethren that are suffering and heal them.



Exod.23:25-26; Deut.7:13, 15 – As promises are yeah and amen in Christ Jesus. Therefore pray for all the brethren that are passing through some terrible health challenges, that God will take away all those deadly diseases/sicknesses from them.
Those that are expecting the fruit of the womb let God take away every cause of their problem and visit them according to (Ps.127:3-5). Let every reproach be removed as God remembered them like Rachel (Gen.30:22).
Ps.132:1 – Tell God to remember the brethren in the volatile areas and grant them rest according to (Acts 9:26-31).
Pray for the forth coming Easter retreat that God’s glory will be felt in all the Watchman camps.



Also let God’s hand come upon His servant (our G.S) as he gets into preparation. To remove Every distraction (1Cor.7:35)


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