May 7, 2019


Passage: Ikgs 13:1-5; Judges 6:25-31; Jer. 1:8-10
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Bible Text: Ikgs 13:1-5; Judges 6:25-31; Jer. 1:8-10 | CHARISMATIC HOUR (07/05/19)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement


Topic:                                     GET HOLD OF HIM: A MISSION IMPOSSIBLE

Texts:                                              Ikgs 13:1-5; Judges 6:25-31; Jer. 1:8-10


Gideon’s father. Joash said “will you plead for Baal? Will you save him? He that will plead for him, let him be put to death. If he be god, let him plead for himself because one cast down his altar”, what a taunt!. If the god worshipped, reverenced and sacrificed to, by the men of the city for years, in the face of threat and complete destruction of his altar could not put up any resistance, that god must be powerless and worthless. Such gods neither deserve recognition nor sacrifice.


Unlike King Jeroboam who out of stubbornness of heart tried to withstand both God’s counsel against the strange altar in Bethel and the man of God on the said mission (who unfortunately paid dearly for it),  who said, “Lay hold on him …”; and got his hand dried up. Because the Governor among the nations, Who watches over His word to perform, proved before all the credibility of the man of God and that His mission against the strange altar must be accomplished. Brethren! The One who sent us to pull down, root out, throw down and to destroy is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient. Therefore, any attempt from anyone or thing to stand against our secular/spiritual well-being and the divine mandate of God, to build and plant His Church in the villages, communities and states etc, like blind Jeroboam cannot succeed (1Kgs. 13:6). The king who once shouted, “get hold of him” turned around to make a passionate plea for prayer of restoration. What a mission impossible it was to harm a servant of God.


To gain further insight, we will consider the message under two sub-headings namely (1) The Device: Get Hold Of Him And (2) The Decree: Mission Impossible.


The Device: Get Hold Of Him (Judges 6:1-6; 2Tim. 2:12-13)

Life without obedience and fear of God ends up in faithlessness, sorrow and defeat. The people who habitually experienced divine providence, had the oracles of God through which they were to teach all nations, the ways and acts of God. A nation destined to rule and reign by God, carelessly lost favour with God resulting in defeat, famine and impoverishment etc. at the hands of the Midianities. Recognizing who we are and what we are called to do for the Lord and understanding the nature of His divine assignment to the WCCRM, will in no small measure help place us in a frontal position of success. But lack of appreciation of same will sadly end up in carnal mindedness, fear, and frustration in the face of challenges of life (Lk. 13:31-33; Nu. 13:31-33).


The Being responsible for all the exploits of the Israelites, the God whom the song writer described as “unhasting and unresting” kept quiet, until His people hit the brick wall and cried out in repentance for help (Judges 6:7). The Faithful and Ever True, whose mercies are new every morning, sent deliverance because of their genuine repentance. Like Gideon and the man of God from Judah, they were on rescue missions. Their divine assignment began with breaking down strange altars that have taken the attention of His people from sincerely serving Him.


The Decree: Mission Impossible (1Kgs 13:1,4-5; Jn. 2:14,15)

Literally, an altar is a structure on which sacrifices are offered. This structure could be in a temple, house or human body. God’s plan and purpose in matters that concern spiritual sacrifice and worship is to dwell in a pure and holy temple through the Holy Ghost. Not only in the church, but living also in the individual believer as His temple (1Cor. 6:19; 2Cor. 6:16). Like Gideon and the man of God from Judah, the main mission at  the beginning of Jesus Christ public Ministry was to deal decisively with defilement in both temples (place of worship and the human body). This he demonstrated when He came to the temple in Jerusalem with holy anger, overthrew the tables of money changers and none could blink an eye (Lk. 13:16-17). He who called and gave special assignments to His servants and also followed through to the letter, is set by the hands of His servants to destroy, pull down, throw down altars of sickness, barrenness, ill-luck, business failure, lack of growth in Church, weight and besetting sin. Whatever has defiled the temple or is resisting true worship in our Church and in your body, has come under the judgment of God in Jesus name (Ps. 139:7-12). Let us flee from the face of Israel, for the Lord fighteth for them against the Egyptians said  the enemy soldiers.


Church, today is operation destroy every altar, none shall escape, there is no hiding place for the devil and his cohorts. To all your enemies, He says “Touch not mine anointed and do my prophet no harm” Are you set? Rise up for prayers.             HSCF:121


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