October 13, 2019

Great Light For Those Who Sat In Darkness And In The Region And Shadow Of Death

Passage: Matt.4:12-16; John 1:1-9
Service Type:

Bible Text: Matt.4:12-16; John 1:1-9 | Fellowship Song: (HSCF 223)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos

Topic: Great Light For Those Who Sat In Darkness And In The
Region And Shadow Of Death

Texts: Matt.4:12-16; John 1:1-9

Now is the time of total liberation and abundant life for all who are in contact with the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement fellowship, for they (the Watchmen) are continuously and specially being empowered by the LORD for the exploits of these last days.

By the mouth of God’s oracle, it was declared that this is the day of the Lord proper. It is a time of (God) showing that He has neither ceded the church nor the world to Satan. It is a special time meant to beam a great light to those who are sitting in darkness and in the region and shadow of death.

Therefore, this night, all those who sit in darkness and in the region and shadow of death will enjoy a great light beamed on them in Jesus= name. Every darkness and death threat in your lives will disappear in Jesus= name.

That Great Light that could not be comprehended by darkness, (Jesus Christ, the LORD and Saviour of mankind) who came into the world principally to throw a great light to those who sat in darkness and in the region and shadow of death (the works of Satan), is still in the world doing so by His Spirit. He is all out this time through His approved anointed servants to throw Satan and his works out of people=s lives (1 Jn.3:8).

While He, was physically in the world, He went all out demolishing the works of the devil without let (Lk.4:16-21; Matt.4:23-24; Acts 10:38). Today, He is doing much more through His true servants for He has multiplied Himself by His Spirit in them and has given such authority and empowerment to deal ruthlessly and decisively with the devil and all his works (Lk.10:17-19; 19:12-13; Matt.28:18-20; Mk.16:15-18; Acts 1:8).

He is telling the Watchmen that now is the hour of delivering all those that dwell in darkness and the region and shadow of death within and around them: freeing them from the devil and his works (sin, sicknesses, poverty, demonic possession, suppressions/oppressions or obsession, childlessness, miscarriages, curses, premature deaths, etc.) as they identify them. Watchmen must all rise up to identify the works of darkness and to exercise the authority they received from the Great Light during this season of power (Matt.5:14-16; Jer.1:10; Is.61:1-3; Ezek.6:1-7). He is waiting for us to rise up in the day and in the night to challenge and overthrow every form of darkness and death threat with such great and continuous empowerment being given to us now and again (Is.60:1; 62:1-2,6-8). We have not received the grace of God in vain. We must open our mouths already filled with God=s authority against every darkness and every death threat. We must see and throw the great beam of light to those who are sitting in darkness and in the region and shadow of death.

If you have been empowered, show it now. Fight the good fight of faith, and make the LORD and the sons of men happy by demolishing the works of Satan within and around you. Rise up in holy anger and fury against the works of Satan.
HSCF: 248

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