April 9, 2019


Passage: Mk. 4:8-10; 2Corinth. 1:8-10; Job 42:5-6
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Bible Text: Mk. 4:8-10; 2Corinth. 1:8-10; Job 42:5-6 | The prevailing situation in the lives of men particularly in the church are expressions of bitter cries for change, help and vindication, deliverance from different kinds of problems, etc. This is owned to the increasing perilous and difficult times and confusions of present day, constituting hard trials for the believers.

But He who declared that He lives forever, Who is mindful of the grass of the fields and feeds the birds of the air, Who rebuked the great wind for His disciples, even the Mighty Saviour of Whom Paul testified ‘He delivered in times past and does deliver…’ is saying to all who cares, ‘what I did yesterday – I will do again today’.  Therefore, weep not but rejoice and be glad for God will do great things in Jesus’ name (Mal.3:6).

We shall consider the message under two (A) What He did In Times Past (B) What He Is Set To Do Today.

What He Did In Times Past (Mk. 4:8-10; Job 1:9-12)

Job’s righteousness attracted to him affliction in a world controlled by Satan and his cohorts. The bible is replete with examples of godly people who experienced adversities while on earth. E.g. Individuals like Joseph, Job, David, Daniel and Paul etc. The circumstances and trials that came their way could not overturn their faith and conviction. Instead of falling, they stood firm.  Therefore, they were promoted before their adversaries by the Lord who is mindful of the plight of His people (Ps. 129:1-2; Gen. 15:13; Ex. 1:12). The Lord does not allow the devil to bring any temptation that will be beyond His people’s ability. At the end of trials of both the Psalmist and Job, the Bible recorded; ‘God turned the captivity of Job,’ and ‘Blessed be the Lord who has not given us as a prey to their teeth’.  Today, He has also decided to prove once again that what He did in the days gone by He is set to do again. All the nets set against you shall be broken and you shall escape from the snare of the fowler in Jesus name.

He Will Do It Again (Job 42:5-6; Ps. 44:1-6)


There are some people who are in the church who sit and listen to messages and testimonies of people on salvation, healing, prosperity, marriage leading, baptism in the Holy Ghost, victory over the devils work in the lives of others etc; who only hear about the power of God and His ability (like as He did for Job and the psalmist) but have neither seen nor experienced the greatness of God in their lives. To all such people, He says, ‘what I have done for others, I will do for you today’ He wants to reveal His miraculous power to all so that He may be known (Isa. 41:20; Heb.8:11).

Knowing the Lord as our personal Lord and Saviour through His saving grace guarantees divine favour, protection, provisions and protection. The wind may blow, the Devil may tempt, trials may come, but if Christ is our Rock, our Salvation and Defence, we will not be moved (Heb. 11:12; 1Chro. 17:7,11-14). Solomon was privileged as a king and his greatness and achievement were divinely pronounced by God through the prophet. The term used is ‘I will settle him in mine house and in my kingdom …’ To settle means to make somebody comfortable in a new position, to remain in a state of calmness, to pay what is owed. Solomon experienced this, same will He also do for you in Jesus’ Name. People who have carefully lived their lives as children of God, yet going through tough times. Listen! God is set to settle you in His house with knowledge of perfect will.  Are you set for major turnaround in your life?

Rise up and let us pray.


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