November 29, 2018

Hide Not Thyself From Our Supplication, O Lord!

Passage: Psalm 55:1-11, 15-23, Ezek.22:30
Service Type:

Bible Text: Psalm 55:1-11, 15-23, Ezek.22:30 | WATCHMAN CATHOLIC CHARISMATIC RENEWAL MOVEMENT

                                                (Prayer Meeting – 29/11/18)


Caption:              Hide Not Thyself From Our Supplication, O Lord!


Texts:                            Psalm 55:1-11, 15-23, Ezek.22:30


God through the ages looks for people who will stand in the gap for Him to mitigate or eradicate the evils in the world (Isa.59:14-16a; 2Thess.3:1-2, 1Tim.2:1-4). He is waiting for His people to call upon Him and remind Him to do what He specializes in against His enemies (Isa.43:26, Ezek.36:37, Est.4:13-14, Joel 2:25-27).


To stand in the gap, one must be separated from sin, for God whose attention is being sought is holy – Psalm 66:18; Job 11:13-15.


Prayer Points.



Ps.103:1-7 – Let’s first appreciate the Lord for the gift and sustenance of life; for our family, the Ministry of the Watchman; her leaders and congregation.


10:24; Ps. 21:1-8; Heb. 11:12 – Let us lift the servant of God – the Abraham of this generation unto the Lord for God’s continued power, grace, mercy, good health, preservation and strength. That God will maintain his pen of a ready writer.


*        For the wife (our Mummy), children, all that are related to him; that God’s preservation, provision and protection will rest on them to fulfil their earthly purpose.


Jos.1:5-7 – Let us pray for our Diocesan pastor that the promises God made unto him, even in the presence of all the workers at Aguda and at other times will come to past. Let the Lord’s wisdom, strength and grace be upon him so that he will be able to accomplish the assignment the Lord gave him. Also we must pray for the wife and children including the entire household that God’s protection, providence and care will be upon them.


3        Zech. 2:3-5 – Having promised a unique visitation at this 2nd phase in the Ministry’s calling, let us call upon God concerning all pastors in our locations that the manifestations of the promise will be experienced in all our places. At this time of evil, let God be a wall of fire around every Watchman and their families, so that the evil plans of enemy will not prosper. (Isa.54:17).


Isa. 49:25 – Let’s pray that all our youths and children be preserved in this highly demonized and contaminated world. Let the fear of God be planted in their hearts. Let those that have strayed, return back to the Lord.


Eccl. 10:19 – Pray that God will put in the hand of the brethren financial and material resources to enable them freely support the capital intensive work of the Ministry.


*        Jer.31:10-14, Joel 2:25-27 – Let us declare that the Lord’s promised mercy, restoration, rebuilding and recovering and planting in this phase of the Ministry will be the lot of both the pastors and pastored.


Isa.44:25, 2Cor.5:11: That the Lord will frustrate all programs of the ungodly to keep this nation impoverished: those siphoning the resources; those planning to destabilize the country; the warmongers etc. Let the Lord visit the wicked with His terror.


*        Hos. 8:7, Gal.6:7,8, Jer.50:11, 22:6-8 – “For they have sown wind and they shall reap whirlwind”. We must rise to tell the Lord to release His whirlwind against those who have sown wind of bloodletting, abductions, kidnaping, ritual killings, wickedness, corruption in the land, etc.


Ezk.30:2,3,6; Isa.31:2,3 – Let’s deal with the blood letters and their sponsors; Boko Harams, Herdsmen, kidnapers and ritualists, etc including the evil spirits behind them, let the Lord bring confusions and disagreement upon them. Let the Lord dry up their resources, businesses, store houses and their business fronts.


*        Jer.10:11; Isa.8:9-10 -In the name of Jesus Christ go against all the evils spirit supporting them. Neutralize their incantations with the word of God (Isa.8:10)


Matthew 18:18; Jeremiah 29:7 – Loose the judgment of the Lord upon the evil in this country, that peace may ultimately follow. The gospel enterprise cannot prosper in the absence of peace. We cannot achieve the vision of the Movement in the absence of peace.



HSCF: 248, 251







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