April 16, 2019


Passage: Lk. 7:1-8; Matt. 8:28-32; 14:28-29
Service Type:

Bible Text: Lk. 7:1-8; Matt. 8:28-32; 14:28-29 |  


Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement


Topic:                                                   LORD, JUST ONE WORD!


Texts:                                               Lk. 7:1-8; Matt. 8:28-32; 14:28-29


The world is influenced and controlled by a terrible being that perfectly hates man and his welfare. But God, Who is the Creator of both seen and unseen kingdoms, in His infinite wisdom, power and love sent His son (Jesus Christ) as the only hope and solution to all the unpleasant experiences of mankind. Therefore, multitudes who humbly took advantage of the saving grace in Christ, during His earthly ministry went away rejoicing. While those who came but were spiritually blind to His Messiahship regrettably went away empty handed.


In view of the foregoing, we shall consider 3 points (1) The Being That Hates Man (2) His Plots And Fall Out Of His Nefarious Activities (3) The Word Spoken By The Lord.



The Being That Hates Man (Matt. 8:28-31; 1Jn. 5:19)

Lucifer was a glorious angel of God, until his corruption through pride. He turned to be the adversary (Satan) from the rebellion against God. He always tries to hinder God’s work in people, but he had limitations, and can do only what he is permitted to do (2Tim. 2:25-26; Job 1:8-11). He is called the  accuser, and actively looks for people to attack with temptation (1Pt. 5:8-9). Any person who is committed to God should expect Satan’s attacks. Knowing this about Satan should cause us to remain close to the One Who is greater than him. Considering the fact that God is the Creator of all angels, He has complete power and authority over them.



His Plots And Fall Out Of His Nefarious Activities (Lk. 7:8; Isa. 14:16-17)

The primary purpose of Satan by virtue of his knowledge about human limitation: in terms of power, position and spiritual capabilities – in the world NOT IN THE LORD (Heb. 2:6-7), is to seek to control the hearts of those in authority in the world. And to hinder individuals (through evil manipulations) from subjecting themselves to the truth of God’s word in other to be both saved and delivered from his evil works. He is frantically struggling to make the world like a wilderness, in the political, social and economic arena. Besides, he tries to secure his prison well so that none might be free. But the scripture says “Only He who now letteth will let until he be taken out of the way (2Thess. 2:7). He who letteth is yet alive and has not been taken out of the way. (Matt.10:1; 2Cor.10:3)


Therefore, there is hope for the Church. As we wield the instrumentality of His Word, our enemy(s) will be beaten down and out. Today, we will all have unhindered passage through to victory like the people of God before the Red sea, in Jesus name. Hear this! the plan and purpose of God is far more than the problems cause by Satan and his agents (Jer. 29:11,12; Ex.14:13-15).



The Word Spoken By The Lord (Lk. 7:1-5; Matt. 8:28-29; Acts 10:38)

A look at the centurion, whose servant was sick, shows that he was well placed, having military might, functional armies, and authority to command his subjects as he wanted, yet he could not proffer solutions to the need staring at his face. On the other hand, although the spirits possessing the demoniac were fierce, yet they trembled, begged and withdrew their foothold from the victim. Teaching us that all creatures are under the command of the Master. The Master of the Sea, Earth and Sky went about doing good, and wiping the tears in people’s eyes during His first advent.


In Ps. 126:6, it is written “He that goeth forth and weepeth shall doubtless …”  the term ‘doubtless’ means without fail, for sure. Individuals/members of the Church who are passing through sufferings, pains and other ugly experiences of life, should well remember, that no water can swallow the ship where lies the Master. What we see around us cannot change the prophetic pronouncement of God in our lives (Rom.3:3). Jesus is the Word of God personified, and faith in Him makes the difference in any situation and circumstance of life (Matt. 14:26,28).  What He said to Peter, He says to all ‘come’. Friends, Charismatic Hour is the time of the operation of the Holy Ghost. Today, the Lord by His Spirit and word of His power is setting the captives free through His human angels as we rise up to pray.



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