March 14, 2019


Passage: Psalm 56:1-13
Service Type:

Bible Text: Psalm 56:1-13 |                                    Introduction:

it is common knowledge that the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement is a unique/peculiar Ministry because of the kind of assignment/mandate she received from the Lord. An aspect of the assignment which should be urgently undertaken at such a time like this is: “To Stand In The Gap For The People”! (Ezek.22:25-30).


The happenings of the present day is sounding a deafening alarm for every member of this church to awake and return to his/her duty post of intercessory prayers, making supplications unto the Lord for the church and the land. (1Tim.2:1-4; Gen.18:17-23).


Today, we shall all arise to tell the Lord, what has come upon us and seek His intervention (Lam.5:1-4).


Prayer Points


Ps.96:1-4 – Let us sing and praise God for His goodness and mercies upon our lives, and that of our beloved ones.
a) Appreciate Him for His working power in the lives of our General Superintendent and his entire household.
b) Bless the Lord for the Diocesan Pastor and the family, also the entire Watchman Assembly and her ministers.


Gen. 26:13; Ps.138:8 – Tell the Lord Who has started this good work in the life our GS, to perfect everything concerning him, as per his health, family and ministry. Also pray that God will guide and direct him on daily basis so that the work of God will prosper in his hands.


Gen. 11:1-8 – Let us cry unto the Lord and ask Him as usual to scatter every unholy agenda against this nation, especially against the Christian faith.
a) Ask God to bring confusion in the midst of these wicked agents of the unholy agenda (Boko-Haram, Herdsmen and their masters). Let there be mutual distrust in their enclave i.e. let the spirit of suspicious/distrust invade their organizations and neutralize them.
b) Pray that God will sensitize the populace to abhor and cry out against the evils and abominations/atrocities of the wicked in this nation. Let people rise up against them until they and their sponsors be destroyed and perish (Jer.22:26-30).
c) Let God overthrow them and put them to shame because of His servant and the mandate (Isa.49:5-6).
d) God should judge every person for injustice and corruption, Let him/her receive his/her reward at God’s hand.
e) Pray that God will neutralize every spell/enchantment against the church and the people of this land.


Rev.3:10-12 – Having received the counsel through the ministration of the man of God (the angel of the church) on “Buy The Truth And Sell It Not”.
a) Tell the Lord that what you have received that nobody, situation/circumstance of any kind should take it away from us.
b) Let us pray that God will uphold us and the entire Watchmen all over the globe at this time of trials.
c) 1:9-10 – Tell God to fill you and the entire Watchmen with knowledge of His will and spiritual understanding.
d) Re-dedicate yourself and ask for the grace to walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing.
e) Also that God will make you fruitful in every good work and increasing on daily basis in the knowledge of God.
d) Let our youths/children, including our new converts be rooted and established in the Lord. (Isa.27:6).


Haggai 2:8 – Let us tell God to grant us the resources needed in the ministry (human, material, financial, etc), for the fulfillment of this end-time project especially at such a time as we have found ourselves (Eccl.7:12a; Phil.4:19).


Pray for the Watchman locations especially those in the places where Christianity is been sternly resisted, that God will preserve and protect them, making them sacred cows.
b) Job 5:20-23 – Being wonders, we should pray in this scripture that at this time, none shall lack or cry because of the situation (Job 22:27-29).
Let us worship and thank God for answers to our prayers both the ones we mentioned and not mention.


HSCF: 231, 237

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