March 3, 2020


Passage: Isa. 26:1-12; 2Jn. 14:25-29
Service Type:

Bible Text: Isa. 26:1-12; 2Jn. 14:25-29 | CHARISMATIC HOUR (03/03/20) 

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement


Topic:                                                 OUR DIVINE LEGACY


Texts:                                                  Isa. 26:1-12; 2Jn. 14:25-29


By legacy we mean ‘something handed on by a predecessor’. Such things directly or indirectly become reference points and items that constitute links between those that had passed on and those present. To a great extent a legacy also constitutes very strong influence on those to whom it is left (cons. Ex. 13:3-10; Jn. 4:11-12).


Our Divine Legacy, therefore means those things divinely bequeathed or willed to us by Our God and Saviour, which things we need to remember and fall back to this time when everything seems to be taking a chaotic turn.


The LORD, having declared that we are in ‘the day of the Lord proper’, it is imperative to inform those that love the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, her projects, pastors, members, ways of doing things, etc, that it is a time of building at troublous time and being conscious of our divine legacy in order to keep our minds steady in the midst of the storms of life yet to be unfolded to the world of the ungodly (Isa. 60:1,2).


Today, we are going to pick one item in our divine legacy to ensure that it becomes the lot of all of us.


(A)       PEACE, PERFECT PEACE (Isa. 26:1-3; Jn. 14:27)

Peace is that sense of safety, harmony, and calmness that makes for joy happiness and amicable co-existence. It is characterised by absence of fear and insecurity. Peace is one thing all human beings, families, communities, nations, etc need.


No matter what one has in this life; (wealth, children, connections, or power) without peace, the one lacks all. This accounts for why many seek peace in many earthly pleasures, women, money, drinks, sports etc, yet in all those, peace remains very elusive.


Peace as air, is such vital in human life, that God puts it under His own personal control, such that outside Him no real peace can be got. Jesus Christ the Son of God is therefore rightly called THE PRINCE OF PEACE (Isa. 9:6).


And when the Lord Jesus was quitting His earthly ministry, He left a legacy – HIS PEACE (Jn. 14:27). This divine legacy is available today and throughout life, if one embraces Him (Jesus). For those who have already embraced Him, they are enjoined to move from peace to perfect peace.


(B)       THE WAY TO PERFECT PEACE (Isa. 26:1-3)

To enter into perfect peace, one must have already had the peace of Christ, by maintaining a conscience void of offence toward God and towards man. Thereafter, the one needs to follow the following steps:


See peace as our divine legacy, bequeathed to us by Our LORD Jesus Christ especially to all genuine Watchman Christians, and desire to get into the perfect peace (Jn.14:27).


Endeavour at all cost to let the mind remain undetached from the LORD, continually encouraging self in the LORD in all situations, doing service unto Him without reservation, and doing it right. (Isa. 26:3)


While our minds are stayed on the LORD as earlier described, we must go ahead to trust Him, by confessing confidently to ourselves that HE must keep His Word, and that our legacy of peace in Him is absolutely guaranteed (Isa. 26:3-4).


Above all, we must keep the truth we have so far learnt, the truth of the scriptures and the truth of the Christian faith, and never compromise it (Isa. 26:2).


As we do all these this year, it shall be to us a year of a divine guidance in the utilization of opportunities as it is the sound mind that readily deciphers the signals of the Holy Spirit.


We will rise up now to declare that Peace is Our Legacy from Our Father and God, it is our portion, we receive it and none shall take it away from us.


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