Introduction: When the Almighty God is solidly behind a group of people, no power or individual can successfully hinder them.   The Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement is a group…
What makes a sovereign state or organization great is not all about human and material resources at her disposal alone. But the respect and willingness of people at different levels…
CHARISMATIC HOUR (19/03/19) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement   Topic:                                   Knowing And Appreciating The Gift Of God   Texts:                                          John 4:1-10,28-30; Matthew 26:6-13   Many people claim to…
                                   Introduction: it is common knowledge that the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement is…


March 12, 2019
Very often a time in our earthly pilgrimage, the believer needs the touch and or intervention of the Lord because of the ceaseless challenges that confront the wayfaring (Job 14:1).…
Sunday Light (03/03/19, 10/03/19, 17/03/19, / 24/03/19) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement Topic: THE LINES HAVE FALLEN FOR ME IN PLEASANT PLACES Text: Ps. 16:1-9 INTRODUCTION: One of the major…


March 5, 2019
Today, the LORD will have us to take a stand on how we must proceed in this era of the new watchman. HE has given us His Word and His…

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