October 30, 2018
  The LORD Jesus Christ, the Supplier of our needs, and the Bishop and Shepherd of our souls is here again to lighten our burdens and give us rest. He…
  INTRODUCTION:   The most urgent need of man, following his fall, is restoration. This restoration is wrapped up in the package of Remission of Sins and the blessings that follow…
Introduction: it is common knowledge that the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement is a unique/peculiar Ministry because of the kind of assignment/mandate she received from the Lord. An aspect of…
The unbelievable, unimaginable, and unprecedented long awaited prophecy of a virgin conceiving a son was unexpectedly fulfilled as a young lady willingly and joyfully released herself to the Holy Ghost…


October 16, 2018
CHARISMATIC HOUR (16/10/18) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement   Topic:                                      LORD, IF THOU WILT, ...   Text:                                                   Lk. 5:12-14   Today, the LORD wants to reach out to all and…


July 29, 2018
INTRODUCTION: We recall that if anyone is getting prepared for the imminent return of the Lord, one of the weightier matters of the law he cannot overlook is possessing a…
CHARISMATIC HOUR (24/07/18) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement   Topic:           ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD OH! LORD (PART 2)   Texts:           Josh. 21:43-45;…
A survey of the Holy Scriptures (The Bible) reveals a steady and consistent pattern of events and occurrences. This pattern is that of occurrences/events, happening according to the Word of…
CHARISMATIC HOUR (10/07/18) Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement   Topic:                                    GO YE THEREFORE (PART III)   Texts:                                                Jn. 20:21; Matt. 28:18-20   Go Ye Therefore, which has been the title…

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