June 11, 2019


Passage: Rom. 5:1-5; 10:10-12; 15:13
Service Type:

Bible Text: Rom. 5:1-5; 10:10-12; 15:13 | As we commence the new phase of the Watchman calling, the LORD is living no stone un-turned to give us adequate information on the way to recover all that we have lost, and progress to greatness.


Our Charismatic Hour message is one of such instruments of information. We have been informed that God who swore not to lie to David His choice king for Israel, will not lie to Watchmen either. This gives us assurance of answer to prayers, and fulfillment of promises made us.


REJOICING IN HOPE is our topic for today and we will take the message under three sub-heading namely (1) What Is Hope? (2) The Implication Of Hope (3) Effects Of Hope.


What Is Hope? (Rom. 8:24)

Hope is the end product of expectation. Hope is a looking forward to or eager expectancy of something (especially a good thing) happening or coming to pass. The desire and expectation of glory, honour, blessing etc is hope.


The Implication Of Hope (Rom. 5:1-5)

Hope generates faith and enhances trust (Heb. 12:2). Hope implies possibility of occurrence, hence that which is HOPED FOR is that which is considered possible to come to pass. Therefore, those who have hope for anything are directly or indirectly expressing their conviction on the possibility of occurrence as well as confidence in the source or means of realizing the hope.


Hope in the promises of God either through vision, dreams, prophecies and what have you should not only create the conviction of possibility, but strong confidence in the God of the promise (Rom. 4:16-21).


Effects Of Hope (Rom. 5:1-5)

Hope sustains expectation and makes for encouragement. Hope also enables for empowerment. It drives one to dare discouraging site and fear of risk. For example: It is hope that motivates people to make financial or other investments.


The hope we have in the Christian faith works out perseverance. It is hope also that brings us to fellowship every day. The loss of hope means the loss of expectation. This makes fellowship attendance worthless, and even the entire Christian faith (Heb. 10:35-36). Hope forsees goals and helps us to fix our attention on the goal with every assurance of realising same.


The question to answer then is what is your hope in this Christian faith? For those who have no hope, they must endeavour to create one today. One thing however is sure and that is, all those who have put their faith in God and His promises, can never be disappointed (Heb. 6:18-19; 1Pt. 1:3).


Let us rise up now to reaffirm our hope in Christ who changeth not.


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