October 27, 2019


Passage: Jn. 14:30
Service Type:

Bible Text: Jn. 14:30 | SUNDAY LIGHT (27/10/19, 03/11/19, 10/11/19)


Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement



Text:                                                                                 Jn. 14:30



As we continue our expositions on this series, it is to be reiterated that the teachings are not meant to be some mere academic exercise, but rather to make the child of God pure and rapturable (cons. Ps.119:9-11, Jn.15:3). And considering the very time we are living in, no reasonable child of God can afford to retain any damnable attitude or character in his life (cons. Mk. 13:35-37).

We have so far considered the following ungodly traits: Unteachableness Disposition, Stubbornness, Self-will, Craftiness, Unforgiving Spirit. Today, we shall be looking at COVETOUSNESS.


Covetousness is simply ‘a desire to have more’ (in a negative sense). It often implies ‘bold and aggressive methods of acquisition’, and includes ‘that behaviour that is as free in scattering and squandering as it was eager and unscrupulous in acquiring’. It refers to ‘having more, with the desire to have more’.  This ungodly trait takes its root in the heart and when the conditions are rife, springs forth to ruin its victim (cons. Mk.7:21,22). It is an evil disposition that blinds the eye; placing God behind the temporal things of life which are made preeminent in the eyes of the victim (cons. Eph.5:5, Col.3:5). It is really an evil seed that bears diverse kinds of wicked fruits (cons. 1Tim.6:10). Amongst these fruits are: Oppression (Gen.31:41), Theft (Jos.7:21), Disobedience (1Sam.15:9), Robbery (1Kgs. 25:26), Meanness (1Kgs.21:2), Unscrupulousness (2Kgs.5:20), Scoffing (Lk.16:10-14), Injustice (Acts 24:26), Madness (2Pet.2:14,15).


At the business arena, the covetous boss could be cruel and grasping or miserly and stinting hence placing his hard-working staff on peanut salaries while the company makes huge profit. On the other hand, the covetous employee or apprentice could short change his boss, craftily dodge work for which salary is being paid while pursuing some other business; default in the contract agreement with the Christian master after training, to begin his own business as soon as he realizes how juicy the business is, and some may even engage in pilfering (cons. Prov.21:5; 20:6, 2Tim.3:1-8).


At the home, the covetous husband may be very stingy and hard to please, leaving family inadequately funded, busy in pursuit of wealth, and sparing no time for life partner and children whilst the covetous wife could just focus on acquiring properties, position etc without attending to the needs of the husband and children (cons. Prov. 11:24, 28-29). The covetous child may jettison education for means of quick wealth (Prov.14:12; 13:11).


At the Church, the covetous may seek some ungodly way to enrich himself. Some steal/pilfer, tell lies or exaggerate their experiences so as to create sympathy; live above their means, “talk big” and boast of their ability etc (cons. Prov. 20:17; 25:14). They may testify of lofty dreams generated by their perverse minds, which never get actualized (cons.  Eccl.5:3,7 cp. Isa.29:7-8, Jer.29:8).


This idolatrous trait is the brain behind the pandemic corruption and murders in the present day society (cons. Acts 24:26), the unfaithfulness of people (to God) in tithing (cons. Mal. 3:8-10) and the current irregularity in attendance to fellowship activities (cp. Heb.10:25).


This evil trait was severally and strongly condemned by God in the Holy scriptures (Ex.20:17, Jer.6:13, Ezk.33:31, Mic.2:9, Lk.12:15, Eph.5:3, Col.3:5, 1Tim.3:3, Heb. 13:5).


The watchmen must be ware of the devil’s present day strategy of using offers in the form of mouthwatering bonuses for investments, lotteries, etc advertised by manufacturers , producers, service providers, telecom companies etc, to introduce and stir up this destructive, idolatrous disposition, hence enslaving the ignorant (Hos.4:6;  Prov.22:3,5; Lk.16:13).


So, covetousness causes family troubles (Prov. 15:27), disappointment, (Eccl.5:10), Folly (Jer.17:11), Apostacy (1Tim.6:10), Misery (Jas.5:3), etc and will ultimately lead to death and eternal damnation as can be deduced from the lives of Balaam, Achan and Judas Iscariot (Num.31:1-3,8 Jos.7:25-26, Acts 1:15-18 cp. Rev.21:8).


Remember the Lord’s word in Mk.10:23,24; 8:36,37, and pursue the love of God (Mk.12:30).

(HSCF 163)

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