March 15, 2020


Passage: Jn. 14:30
Service Type:

Bible Text: Jn. 14:30 |  

SUNDAY LIGHT (15/03/20, 22/03/20)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement


Topic:   SATAN’S PROPERTIES RETAINED BY MANY IN THE CHURCH (Part 9)                                                                                                                              

Text:                                                    Jn. 14:30



In the last 3 weeks, we have treated the message titled “Building Up Your divine Nature Content” in which we saw that every saved person has a deposit of God’s Spirit that carries divine life which generates God’s nature (Jn.10:10; 2cor.1:22; 2Pet.1:3-4). It was further shown that the content or ‘volume’ of God’s Spirit/nature possessed can be increased or diminished (2Pet.1:5-8). Then, we considered the enhancers or boosters of the nature as well as the enemies of the nature which are principally the flesh and sin.


Our message today is on properties of Satan possessed by many in the church, which things are enemies of God’s life or nature possessed. They drain divine life.


We shall be considering our subtopic ‘ENVY’


We shall bring the message under the following sub-headings, (a) Concise Description Of Envy (b) Consequences Of Envy (c) Counsel to Everyone.




Envy is simply painful or resentful awareness of another’s advantages. It is a feeling of discontent at another’s credit, advantage, position or blessing which may manifest as ill will, grudges, hostility, or rivalry (jealousy)


It is about the basest of human depravity; for good things which it grudges naturally cause happiness to a normal person (cons. Rom.12:15a cp. Prov.14:30). It is an expression of devilish wisdom (cons. Jas.3:14-15) and a clear evidence of absence of divine love (cons. 1Cor.13:4). The manifestation of envy is a tacit declaration that the beneficiary of a blessing, fortune, advantage or credit is not worthy of it (cons. Isa.5:20-21, Rom.14:4, Jas.4:12).


When present in the Church, it generates commotion (Jas.3:16). An envious person in authority will oppress, undo or deal unfairly with the envied denying him opportunities, resenting him, or seeking to destroy his ambition (cons. Gen.37:6-11, Est.5:9-13, Matt.27:12-18). Among workers or other members of the Church, envy could lead to gossiping, false allegations, frustration or resistance of the envied’s programme, dissension, violence, murder etc (cons. Gen.4:3-5 cp. 1Jn.3:15; Num.11:27-29; Dan.6:3-4).


Where someone is envious of the leader, there could be murmuring, insubordination, raising of uproar or dissension, false accusations, anonymous letter writing, clandestine plan to bring the envied leader to disrepute etc. (cons. Num.16:1-3, Acts 13:42-45 cp. Prov.24:21, 1Tim.6:3-4).  An envious parent could exhibit hatred towards the envied or his household (cons. 1Kgs.3:24-26) while envious children could get into animosity, malice etc with their peer.  It should be noted that the envious is not just sick but has commenced the process of putrefaction or decay; for as caries is to the bone, so is envy to the heart (Prov.14:30)




Envy drains divine life and so accelerates spiritual death as it begets others sins like murder, hatred, oppression, emulation, dissension, violence, etc. Furthermore, envy works ill to it’s victims, by turning God’s laws against them thereby denying such peace and progress (cons. Gal.6:7). Envy will eventually lead its victims to eternal damnation (cons. Ps. 9:17, Ps. 106:16-17, Gal.5:19,21, Rev.21:7,23-27).



(C)    COUNSEL TO EVERYONE (Prov.3:27-31, 23:17, 24:1,19, Gal.5:16, Jas.3:13-16, 1Pt.2:1)


(1)     Keep away from every appearance of envy                                        


(2)     Block all avenues of envy in your heart by:


(i)      Appreciating yourself (Ps.139:14)


(ii)     Accepting the importance of others in this life (cons. Matt.7:12, Mk.12:31)


(iii)    Admitting God’s superior knowledge/judgement/magnanimity (Isa.55:8-9, Ps.73:2-3 cp. Jonah 3:10, 4:1-4)


(iv)    Admiring every good thing and giving God the glory (cons. Jas.1:17)



                                                HSCF:  163, 160

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