May 2, 2019


Passage: Joshua 10:1-15
Service Type:


Five kings confederated against the Gibeonites; Adoni-zedec king of Jerusalem was the first mover and ring leader of this confederacy. He called upon his neighbours to join him against Israel because he was first or most apprehensive of the danger his country was in. He saw that Jericho and Ai were conquered by the children of Israel, and worse still the Gibeonites (one of the great cities) had surrendered to Israel without putting up any opposition. He decided to invite other kings to help him smite the Gibeonites for making peace with the children of Israel.

Satan and his cohorts always make war with those that make peace with God. We shouldn’t marvel when the world hates us and treats us as deserters who are converts to Christ. The Gibeonites sent notice to Joshua of the distress and danger they were in (Josh.10:6). They expect benefit from the league they made with Israel and believed that Joshua will oblige to help them because they were his servants (Josh.9:8). It is the duty of the masters to take care of the poorest and meanest of their servants, and not to see them wronged when it is in the power of their hand to right them. Those that pay allegiance may reasonably expect protection (Ps.119:94). The ground of their quarrel with them was the respect they have shown to Israel, and the confidence they had in a covenant with them. Joshua cannot refuse to help them when it was for their affiliation to him and to the name of his God that they were attacked (Ps.69:7).

One of the five-fold objectives of the Watchman is to serve as a means of deliverance to all that are oppressed and possessed by the devils. Therefore, shying away from this great assignment amounts to wickedness and sin before God. (1Sam.12:23; Prov.24:10-12). When our spiritual enemies set themselves in array against us and threaten to swallow us up, let us by faith and prayer apply to Christ, (our Joshua) for strength and succor as Paul the Apostle did; and we shall receive the same answer of peace. The Lord said, “My grace is sufficient for thee” (2Cor.12:8-9).

Prayer Points

HSCF 2, 13 – Let us worship and minister to our God for His mercy and faithfulness endureth to all generations (Ps.89:1, 6, 8; Lam.3:22).
4:14; Matt.25:34-40 – Having passed over to the other side of compassion for the ignorant and the lost (needy) –

Let’s pray for all our beloved ones that are wallowing in sin, that God will grant them salvation of their souls (1Tim.2:4).
2:8 – Tell God to grant salvation according to His promise to all the heathens around us as they hear the gospel.
Tell God to preserve/recover our youths by putting His fear in their hearts and deliver them from the evil of the social media.

6:1-2 – Ask God to remember, visit and recover those brethren that the enemy wounded along the way.



Pray for the matured single sisters who are waiting on God for settlement. (Exod.3:7-10).
Let us remember the widows and the less privileged brethren/youths, ask God to send a deliverer to them so that they will be comforted.

15:30-32 – Lift up your voice unto the Lord for the Church of God and the brethren in the volatile areas that God will continue to keep and sustain them with His grace.

2:8-11 – Pray for the Ministers of God in such places that God will be their strength to remain faithful till the end.

3:44-52 – The Church of Christ is facing a lot of confusion at the hands of Satan’s agents who claim to be God’s servants. The name of the Lord is blasphemed as a result of their activities; Pray God to arise and sanitize His Church, exposing the folly of such Ministers.

Ask God to bring the end-time revival to the Church so that people will delight in the truth of God’s word. Let souls begin to flock to the places of truth like the Watchman.

32:8 – The vision of IGMC must prosper for the bringing back of Jacob (the Church) to God. Tell God to strengthen the Man of God and guide him in all the affairs of the Church. Also the Lord should give him Joshuas (the facilitators/prosecutors) for this end-time project.
15:18-19 – Ask God what you want so that the reproach will be removed and your faith in Him will increase to do the eleventh hour service.


HSCF 249

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