July 3, 2018


Passage: Deut.2:24-25; Ps.138:8; Rev.3:7-8;
Service Type:

Bible Text: Deut.2:24-25; Ps.138:8; Rev.3:7-8;Series: THE LORD WILL PERFECT MY CONCERNS

The Lord’s promises to His people are always yea and amen in Christ Jesus, because He is not a man that He should lie… (Num.23:19). How be it, men have their part to play in realizing God’s promises: they must contend with the contenders of their blessings, even though Christ had paid the price (Jn.19:30; Deut.9:1-3).

Satan and his cohorts are always there to abort the programme of God for any child of God who fails to contend with them (Gen.26:15,18-22; Eph.6:10-12).

Tonight, we have come to contend with the contenders for our blessings and open doors, so that God’s will for our lives will manifest. (Jer.29:11)

Prayer Points:

1. Num.33:52-53; Deut.7:5-6 – Let us deal at this time with all Satanic properties in our lives, and the congregation like besetting sins, covetousness, envy, jealousy, hypocrisy, lying, immoral behaviours, etc. Ask God for forgiveness and that He should uproot every evil root in your life and sanctify your soul, spirit and body (1Thess.5:23).

2. Dan 10:10-13 – Let us lift up a lamentation against every curse, power/kingdom, prince that has been detailed to stop our blessings/open doors. Let God’s fire and angel fight our battles and consume them.

3. Gen.11:1-9 – Let’s frustrate all plans of the wicked to Islamize our nation. Today, Boko-Haram, Herdsmen and ISIS/ISWA are on the prowl. Call upon God to thwart their plans. Let their plans suffer miscarriage as at Babel.

4. All monitoring spirits sent to monitor our blessing/programmes, let God’s judgment come upon them. Let us pray against every spirit of delay or disappointment in our lives, let God’s anger/wrath visit them. (Habk.2:2-3).

5. 1Cor.16:9 – Let us war against every adversary sent to hinder the Servant of God, the family and the Movement (Isa.41:8-16). Tell God to arise and deal with the enemy of the Man of God and the Movement whether they be human beings or spirit beings.

6. 1Thess.3:1-2 – That God should destroy all that have risen against the Diocesan Pastor, the family and his ministry/the mandate for this diocese; let God disgrace them and deliver His servant from the activities of all evil entities.

7. Jer.51:44-45; Isa.14:1-6 – Ask God to destroy all that have been detailed to stop you. All the destiny spoilers should be spoiled, all our stolen blessings should be released by the enemies.
HSCF: 251

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