July 5, 2018


Passage: Ps.100:1-5; 138:1-8; Rev.3:7-8
Service Type:

Bible Text: Ps.100:1-5; 138:1-8; Rev.3:7-8Series: THE LORD WILL PERFECT MY CONCERNS

Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ gave the Church authority with which to operate and rule their world (Ps.115:16; Matt.16:19). The Lord declared to all the Watchmen through His servant (the angel of the church), that the Watchman is like “the White House of America where globally binding decisions are made/taken).

We have what it takes to decide/determine who does what in this nation. What we allow/permit will hold and what refuse/reject cannot hold. Let us therefore rise to exercise this authority, by decreeing a thing in every situation/circumstance around us.

Prayer Points

Let’s decree that:

1. Matt.16:18 – Every Satanic program, design, plan against your family, and the Watchman be neutralized. Whatever forces of darkness have scheduled to execute against you be brought to nought.

2. Isa.54:15-17 – Every opposition coming from wherever (grave, hell, stream, river, sea, evil forest, covens, temple, etc) calling for your head and that of your family members or siblings be nullified; forces responsible for untimely deaths, mishaps, misfortunes, misunderstanding, failures in business, disappointments in marriage proposal and other proposals (near success syndrome) be knocked out.

3. Zech.1:17-21 – Forces deployed by enemies to ensure that nothing good comes your way or that of any member of your family; causing them not to rise beyond a certain level in life, be scattered and discomfited. Forces delegated, hired and contracted by some agents of darkness to always bring your plans to nothing be expelled from your life/family.

4. Lk.11:17 – Pray against every force promoting and influencing jealousy and envy, bitterness, bickering and bad blood in our families, and in our churches.

5. Col.1:9-11 – Decree against situations working against the growth of the church. Let the root cause be revealed to the church authority.

6. Pray against every program of Satan designed against the Watchman church to frustrate the spread of the ministry.

7. Decree against whatsoever distraction of Satan that is directed against our General Superintendent and his family, the Diocesan Pastor and his family, the District Pastors and their families, Parish Pastors, women coordinators and all our leaders, their spouses and children.

8. Mk.11:23 – There may be a personal matter that needs divine attention, talk to that matter, instructing it to leave.
HSCF: 233


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