May 3, 2019


Passage: Joshua 10:16-26
Service Type:


It was a brave appearance, no doubt, which the five kings made when they took to the field for the reducing of Gibeon, but they were routed and put in disarray.

The forces that had dispersed themselves must be followed and smitten. When tidings were brought to Joshua of where the kings were, he ordered a guard to be set upon them (Josh.10:18), reserving them for another day of destruction and to be brought forth to a day of wrath (Job 21:30).

Joshua directed his men to pursue the enemy soldiers as much as might be, to prevent their escape to the garrisons which would strengthen them and make victory more difficult (Josh.10:19). Joshua as a prudent general does that first which is most needful and defers his triumphs till he has completed his conquests to prevent the rallying again of their scattered forces.

The Lord told His servant to raise men angels among the Watchmen who will march action for action against the kingdoms of darkness, so that the sons/daughters of men will be delivered. The Watchman at such a time must not relax or stay on their past victory, but continue to pursue her enemies (the kingdoms that oppose the work of God) until they be completely destroyed. No  genuine Watchman can afford to sit on the fence or allow distractions at this time, when the forces of darkness are wanting to take men/women into captivity through fashion, immorality, love of money, entertainments, pornography, etc (2Cor.10:3-6).

Prayer Points

HSCF 13, 17, 18 – Let’s minister to the Lord with worship, praise and thanksgiving. Remember that our God is great in the whole universe. Thank God for our journey so far and the life of the Man of God with his lieutenants.
Songs of Sol.2:15 – What are those little foxes that are in your life and that of the brethren that mars our relationship with God. Bring them to the Judge (Our Lord Jesus) so that He will deal with them. (Murmuring, gossiping, backbiting, anger, lust, immoral tendencies, covetousness, envy, jealousy, pride, stubbornness etc).

Ask the Holy Spirit to conquer you, making your life His dwelling place (Rom.12:1-2).

1:8, 10; 2Cor.10:4-6 – We have been set over the nations to decide what happens.

Declare war and close all the places where the devil has planted his Church thereby deceiving ignorant multitudes.
The false pastors, prophets, and miracle workers in such places should be disgraced so that they may seek the true God (Micah 3:5-7).

Ask God to send down the rain of revival in our Church (Ps.85:6)





Let’s pray for the Spirit of the fear of God, truth, knowledge of God, righteousness/holiness to come upon all the living Churches so that God’s name will be glorified.

Micah 3:8 – Ask God to empower His Ministers especially the Watchman Pastors with His power, gifts, signs and wonders so that they will march these false miracle workers, action for action as it was in the first exodus.
44:26; 64:1-3 – Tell God to honour and confirm the words of His servant (Our GS) with strange miracles as promised now that his ministry is about to kick-start.

34:7 – As it was with the first Moses, so let it be with the second. Tell the Lord to work in the health of the Man of God and that of the family, so that there will be no distraction this time.

1:8, 2:8 – The Watchman has been mandated to execute these end-time projects of the Lord. Let’s ask God to give the willing Watchman brethren financial breakthrough and to raise financial pillars who will take over the sponsorship of these projects, that our father will remain focused in the ministering of the word and prayers (Act 6:3-4).
9:57-62; 1Cor.10:12 – Ask the Lord for the grace to continue and to fulfill your ministry in the Watchman, so that you will be part of the glorious Church the King is coming for. That you and your family will enter heaven at last (Exod.12:31-32).
Ask for divine guidance for the rest of the month.


HSCF 248

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