October 23, 2018


Passage: Luke 1:30-38
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Bible Text: Luke 1:30-38 | Preacher: G.S. WCCRM

The unbelievable, unimaginable, and unprecedented long awaited prophecy of a virgin conceiving a son was unexpectedly fulfilled as a young lady willingly and joyfully released herself to the Holy Ghost to come upon her as declared by angel Gabriel. Her words, “Behold the handmaid of the LORD; be it unto me according to thy word” was all she did to get a miracle that has never been and never will be again (Is.7:14; Lk.1:35,38-39). As we release ourselves to the Holy Ghost today to come upon us, the unbelievable, unimaginable, and unprecedented long awaited prophecies and scriptural promises for us will be realized in Jesus name. For the needed insight that ignites the power of God that overshadows for miracles, we shall consider this message in two sub-headings: (1)The Holy Ghost And The Power Of The Highest. (2)Igniting The Holy Ghost And The Power Of The Highest 


The Holy Ghost And The Power Of The Highest (Lk.1:35,37; Is.11:2-9; 1Cor.2:4-13)


The Holy Ghost is an invisible and invincible intelligent being, who has been from immortality with God, the Father and God, the Son. Though existing as a distinct and separate being, He is one with the Father and the Son, and works as one. He dwells in God-the Father, God-the Son, the angels of God and all true Children of God. He has the record of all that the Father has willed, and all that the Son has said on any issue concerning anybody. He knows all that is in man and spirits. There is no secret before Him. The angels are under His command. He binds the strong man and plunders his house at will. He operates the power and wisdom of the Highest (God) without being hindered. He brings to fulfillment every prophecy and promise of God. He is ever waiting to create and recreate. When He comes upon any being or anything, the power of the Highest overshadows that being or thing and transforms him or it to what God has willed and said about him or it. So, today, as many as will submit themselves and their adversaries to the Holy Ghost, they will experience the overshadowing power of the Highest transforming them and their situations in Jesus name.


Igniting The Holy Ghost And The Power Of The Highest (Lk.1:38-39; Jer.1:12; Is.55:8-13; Num.23:19)


The Holy Ghost with the power of the Highest does not work with sentiments on what men or spirits or organisms or situations have done or said. He is only moved by what He has done or said. He gets thrilled with those who regard and hallow His Person, His deeds and His words. Those who want things to be unto them according to His words are His delight. Moreso, when they confess such in faith. They will never be disappointed in Jesus name.


As the Holy Ghost comes upon sinners today and the power of the Highest overshadows them, they must be saved in Jesus name. They only need to call upon the name of the Lord in faith as the Spirit directed in the scriptures of truth. As the possessed, oppressed/obsessed submit themselves unto the Holy Spirit, the power of the Highest shall overshadow them and sack all the devils that possessed them and release them from all demonic oppressions/obsessions in Jesus name. As you present yourself, your business, your customers, your career, your bosses, your shops, or even properties to the Holy Ghost to come upon them, the power of the Highest shall overshadow all of them and wonderful transformations that will spring songs of praises from your lips will be your lots in Jesus name. Are you a minister of God and you have been worried because of some deficiencies, you can present yourself to the Holy Ghost to come upon you so that the power of the Highest can overshadow you and make you an able minister of the New Testament without going to theological school. Are you a student, an apprentice, a servant or house help, present yourself to the Holy Ghost and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you and transform you to another Joseph or Daniel or Deborah in Jesus name.


Finally, whatsoever you desire even the working of your packed up electronic/mechanical gadgets, present them to the Holy Ghost and the power of the Highest shall overshadow them and the unbelievable, unimaginable, and unprecedented transformations will take place in Jesus name.  Let us rise up and pray.

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