November 26, 2019


Passage: Deut. 29:29; 1Cor. 2:9-13
Service Type:

Bible Text: Deut. 29:29; 1Cor. 2:9-13 | CHARISMATIC  HOUR (26/11/19)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement


Topic:                                    THE REVEALED TREASURES


Texts:                                    Deut. 29:29; 1Cor. 2:9-13


In our recent Charismatic Hour fellowships we considered the things freely given to us of the LORD and how we can appropriate them for our benefit. Believing that we have resolved to love the LORD unconditionally and to seek the fullness of His Spirit as we were counselled, we can safely go forward to desire and acquire the revealed treasures kept in store for us by Him.


Our Charismatic Hour message today, focussing on The Revealed Treasures, will be taken under three points: (1) The Secret And The Revealed Things Explained (2) Appreciating The Revealed things (3) Acquiring The Revealed Treasures.


The Secret And The Revealed Things Explained (Deut. 29:29)


In our context, the secret things are those things that God has hidden from human understanding or comprehension. They include some of the deep things of God – the mysteries of the kingdom (Dan. 12:9; Mk. 13:32; 1Cor. 2:9). The revealed things on the other hand are those things which were hitherto kept secret by the LORD, which He later opened to the understanding of men. They include divine provisions and treasures of heaven. (1Cor. 2:9-12; Eph. 1:17-20).


Appreciating The Revealed Treasures (1Thess. 2:13)


The things that are freely given to us by the LORD, which hitherto were secret, have been revealed by the LORD to His genuine servants, by His Spirit. It therefore behoves the believers, to whom the revelations are made, to appreciate these revealed things, considering them to be great treasures (1Thess. 2:13).


When we fail to appreciate the revelations of God, we can hardly know the value thereof. Today, the LORD will have us appreciate very highly, all the revelations of His Word, as very great treasures. The words/promises will promptly transform to treasures for those who appreciate them.


Acquiring The Revealed Things (Deut 29:29)


By appreciating the revealed things of God, we begin to see in them revealed treasures for our possession.


Remember, it is written in the scriptures of truth, that the secret things belong to God while the revealed things belong to us and our children.  It follows therefore that genuine believers, should rise in the arms of faith to acquire for themselves and their families those revealed things because they belong to us and our children.  And surely they shall be ours in Jesus Name.


Let us rise up to pray.


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