July 11, 2019

The Unchangeable Changer

Passage: Dan.2:14-23; Mal.3:6
Service Type:

Bible Text: Dan.2:14-23; Mal.3:6 | INTRODUCTION: Everything visible found on this planet earth whether animate or inanimate changes (with the passage of time). The original state can either change for better or for worse, but there is only One who never changes. He is the Almighty God, the Creator of the universe.


He (God) created everything in existence at one time or the other but has been Self-existent. He is the Omnipotent, Omniscient and the Omnipresent (Ps.139:1-8). So, everything created is affected by time, but the Creator is not. His words also remain unchanged. Therefore when He speaks, He will watch over His word to perform (Is.4311-13; Jer.1:12). It is a great privilege to be identified with such a great and sovereign Lord, so let us call upon Him in prayer on some matters that need His intervention and attention.


We are aware that prayer in true biblical sense is the full spectrum of human expressions to God. Let’s therefore get set to express ourselves unto the Most High. HSCF: 237


Prayer points:


15:57, Ps.103:1-6. Let us take some time to thank and worship God for all the victories He has granted the Watchman despite the oppositions that the adversaries mounted.
Appreciate God for the Man of God in our midst, the grace and strength of God upon his life, and upon the entire family.
Bless the Lord for the Diocesan Pastor in our midst, the wisdom, knowledge of God upon his life. Let’s thank God for his family and the life of all our Pastors with their families. Thank God also for the ministry called Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement and her God given projects.


Isa 43:18-21 Phil 2:12; – The man of God (the angel of the Church) announced to us God’s programme of raising up a new brand Watchman and urged us to belong, that nobody should lose out at this time of revival.

* Pray that you will not lose your position in this new watchman and also that God’s grace will be available to you at this time of trials. * Rom 14:13 – Let’s take a firm decision that we as individual will not constitute a  stumbling block in any  person’s way through our character, and life style at time of the new Watchman.


Ex 23:27-28 Josh 1:3 – 17th July is a reality and the Watchman brethren will be spoken to by the angel of church from 17th-21st July, 2019 .
Pray that all the declaration to the Watchmen shall bring about a positive transformation of lives to the brethren during this great visitation.
Let God’s fear fall upon the people of the land and the gods, so that those in bondage/prison of religious/tradition Spirit will be delivered (Num. 14:9).
21: 31 – Let us pray that God will grant His servant special strength during this programme as he moves to the appointed locations (Matt 18:18 -19).
Pray and decree, that there will be no distraction of any kind in the nation during this programme. (Josh. 10:12; 1Kgs 18:1). And that the weather will be clement.


Ps 89: 20 -25 – Tell God to strengthen our GS on daily basis and also guide him with His own eyes (Ps 32:8)

Let God pour upon him the fresh anointing and faith he required for the forth coming programme, so that his words will be confirmed by the Lord.
Also that every distraction shall be taken away from the man of God and his family, let God keep our mummy’s health at this time with the children.
Ask the Spirit of God to conv.ict men and women that will be invited to this special programme so that they will surrender their lives to Christ.


Psalm 28:2-4; 7:9; Ezek. 30: 21 -23 – looking at the State of this Nation, one will

agree that it’s  only God that can deliver us. Let’s cry unto God and pass a decree:

* That the wickedness of the wicked (bloodletting, kidnapping, oppressions, rituals, bookharam, herds men etc.) should come to an end.

* Let God reward every man according to his/her deeds; those that love blood and oppression let it be their portion.


Pray for the Diocesan Pastor and the family, that God’s hand will rest upon him afresh especially at this time that God has promised us revival in Lagos. (Ezek. 12: 22-25) – Let all that have been promised him begin to manifest in earnest.


Psalm 35:27 – Let’s pray that God will open the doors of prosperity and breakthrough to the entire Watchman especially at this time. Also that the heavens be opened to all those brethren who responded to the clarion call on the recommencement programme on July 17.


2Kgs 6:28 – What is your problem and the request, present it to God in faith and all assurance that God will remember you. Psalm 102:16 -17


HSCF 231, 53.





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