September 10, 2019

These Signs Must Follow Us 

Passage: Acts 2:1-4, 16-21
Service Type:

Bible Text: Acts 2:1-4, 16-21 |  

Charismatic Hour (10/09/19)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement, Lagos


Topic:                                   These Signs Must Follow Us 


Text:                                                  Acts 2:1-4, 16-21



The Signs That Followed The Empowered The Early Church (Acts 2:16-21)


Because  of the LORD=s commission on the early Church to witness His salvation to all nations, He empowered them on the Pentecost Day and proved their empowerment with signs as promised, namely: Acts 2:1-4 (baptism with the Holy Ghost with definite Spirit inspired speaking in tongues); Acts 4:13,33 (great boldness, power and grace); Acts 5:1-11,17-20 (judgment of the wicked in the Church, Divine intervention); Acts 6:8 (great wonders and miracles); Acts 8:5-8 (great deliverance from demonic possession  and oppressions, healing); Acts 9:1-9,17-18,32-35,36-42 (Divine arrest of horrible persecutors, opening blind eyes, healing of palsy, raising the dead); Acts 10:1-8,44-45 (Divine encounters with angels, and God recommending the salvable to His approved servants, gift of the Holy Ghost to all); Acts 12:5-11,19,20-24 (concrete answer to congregational prayer: loosing of chains of the feet of God=s servant, supernatural light shining in the prison where God=s servants were kept, getting them out of the prison and through the iron gate, deliverance of His servant out of the hand of Herod and the expectation of the religious sinners, judging the adversaries of the Church).


All these made their witness of Christ=s resurrection very fruitful and the assignment a sweet one, even in the face of terrible persecution/tribulation.


(2)     Why These Signs Must Follow Us From Now (Acts 2:1-4; Is.44:24-28).


By the Man of God=s announcement that it is the day of the Lord proper (indeed), all that are familiar with the ways of the LORD are already rejoicing because their time has come. The LORD Who can do nothing without first letting His prophets know of it has announced through the Man of God that this is His time indeed and so nothing can make us experience less than the early Church=s experiences. The LORD has never allowed any of the words of the Man of God fall to the ground (1Sam.3:19). He has ever confirmed all the words of the Man of God and performed his counsel (Is.44:26). The testimonies already from his recent ministrations are enough faith boosters for all the needy. More so, recently, the LORD made us know that all that the Man of God has spoken to us in His name must all be fulfilled.


Our own Pentecost day is already with us and all the signs that followed the early Church shall follow to enable us fulfil our calling (Is.49:5-6).

Rise and present your needs to Him

HSCF: 197


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