March 5, 2019


Passage: Ezk. 28:1-2; Jer. 10:10-11
Service Type:

Bible Text: Ezk. 28:1-2; Jer. 10:10-11 | Today, the LORD will have us to take a stand on how we must proceed in this era of the
new watchman. HE has given us His Word and His Spirit. These two great gifts of the
LORD are all we need to suceed in this wicked world and ultimately conquer it.
As we adjust our minds to improve our walk with God this time around, HE would have
us to realise that HE is the only God Who has absolute power and authority over us. All
other powers and forces that want to force their way into our lives must be resisted.
Today, we will see: what the enemy wants to do, and what God wants us to do.
(1) WHAT THE ENEMY WANTS TO DO (Isa. 14:12-14)
The Devil and his agents want to prove that they have power and authority to rule our
lives. They do this by manipulating our finances, business, family, academics, prayer
life, etc. They want husbands to fall out with their wives; children to quarrel with
parents; teachers to hate the students and vice versa; pastors to disagree with the flock
and with one another.
These devils want us to accord them some honour as though they are God. They want
the government to play gods to us, and the other forces of wickedness to force us to
give up our faith and allow our lives and well being to depend on them (cons. Jn. 19:8-
10). They want to force us to accept that our lives are in their hands (Jn.10:10a).
(2) WHAT GOD WANTS US TO DO (Jn. 10:11)
The LORD wants us to enter into a ‘Saviour-and-the saved’ relationship with Him, by
turning our lives entirely over to Him. HE wants us to realise that HE alone is the God
that made the heavens and the earth. HE wants us to receive Him and relate with Him
as our Maker and our God. HE also wants us to realise that our destiny and that of
those who have constituted themselves as gods are all in His hands.
Being entirely turned to Him and fully on His side, HE wants us to look at those forces
and powers in the faces and tell them that they are not God, therefore they must perish.
And since they have made themselves God, they will surely perish like Herod (Acts
Therefore, today and thereafter, we will tell those teachers, corrupt government officials,
armed robbers, kidnappers, men in uniform etc that have decided to make themselves
gods over our lives that they are not God, but man. The evil spirits already know that
they are not God, therefore both them and those that consult them shall perish.
This mind will grant us the needed boldness to excel in this season!
Let us rise now to tell them to their faces that they can=t continue in their wickedness,
because they are not God.

HSCF: 251

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