November 27, 2018

Topic:                                                  REHOBOTH  

Passage: Gen. 26:1-32
Service Type:

Bible Text: Gen. 26:1-32 | Charismatic Hour (27/11/18)

Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement



Topic:                                                  REHOBOTH


Text:                                                    Gen. 26:1-32


Some have lost the blessings they had received because of conflict with their adversaries.  Their testimonies and joy may never have lasted. For some, their adversaries strove with them and hindered them from having testimonies, while others are yet striving with their adversaries over their blessings (cp.1Pet.5:8; Eph.6:12). Today, the LORD is set to give you a lasting joy as He has already gazetted an end to all strife, since you have not gone into Egypt but rather stayed all these years in the place of His desire (WCCRM). Our message shall come under 2 points (1) The Strife (2) Putting An End To The Strife.


The Strife (Gen. 26:1-7, 13-21)

For Isaac, he had nearly gone into Egypt as a result of conflict with famine. He, also had nearly lost his wife as he strove with strife. He later lost the land of his sojourn to strife from the king of the land. His servants were not the better, as they lost all the wells which his father’s servants had dug due to strife with their adversaries. They could not enjoy the ones they dug equally due to strife. In all these, Isaac with his servants stayed put in the land that the Lord showed him.


Today, many in the Church are in serious conflict with famine. Others have actually or nearly lost their marriages, families, employment, education, business, accommodation, shops, etc due to fear. Some others have lost their health, Christian experiences, gifts of the Spirit, special ministries, jobs, pregnancies, children, properties, etc as a result of strife with the adversaries. How be it, there are some who are managing to contain the conflict with their adversaries over what they have received from the Lord.


These conflicts have led many into frustration making some people go to Egypt and discouragement. But the Lord has been watching as those that stayed put in the place where He has placed His Name, His Word, His Spirit and His Power. Today, He has come down to put an end to all the strife in your life, and so shall it be in Jesus Name.


Putting An End To The Strife (Gen. 26:1-5, 9-14, 22-25, 28-32)

The LORD, being good and gracious, seeing Isaac’s predicaments intervened during all the conflicts by guiding him. He encouraged him to move forward and continue digging both the stopped wells and also new ones. As he obeyed, he survived all the conflicts.


Today, as many Watchmen as have been steadfast with this Movement by obeying  her teachings, supporting  her projects, reverencing her ministers and people, and have not gone to Egypt for help, the Lord is  announcing that your blessings are in the Watchman Catholic Charismatic Renewal Movement.  He wants you to be encouraged. He wants you to move forward, continue digging by presenting all your needs to Him in spite of all the previous ugly experiences from all the strife.  He wants all who have remained steadfast in this Movement and those who will resolve today to wholly identify with the Watchman, to know that they have reached Rehoboth. He’s saying that you have dug the well that cannot be striven for. For now, the Lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land. He has appeared to us to bless us and multiply our seed. It is time that those who sent us away will recall us because they have seen the goodness of the Lord upon us.  A book of remembrance is opened before the Lord for you (Mal. 3:16-18; Esther 6:1-11). Therefore, with joy and great expectations, present your needs to the Lord in simple prayers and believe that He has granted you all you have desired.


Rise up and let us pray.




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