July 14, 2019


Passage: John 2:1-10, Isa.65:8-10
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Bible Text: John 2:1-10, Isa.65:8-10 | Introduction:

As we approach the birth of the Abrahamic ministry of the General Superintendent even the new beginning of the Watchman, it is expedient that some salient information be handed down to members and well-wishers of the Watchman so as to effect maximum benefits from the forthcoming programme (Pro.1:5;20:18; 24:6).


In the wedding ceremony at Cana in Galilee, the wine had almost finished at an unexpected time, and the bordered organizers sought a relief from their apprehension and distress. The information reached Mary who in turn reached Jesus, and a miracle of new wine production followed thereafter.


Wine is the juice from grapes. In Palestine, the ripe grape clusters were gathered in baskets (Jer.6:9), taken to the press and threaded (Isa.65:8). The expressed juice was used in vinous conditions (i) as a must or sweet wine (ii) as wine produced by various fermentation (iii) as vinegar – when the fermentation is prolonged.


The longing of the organizers of that ceremony for supply of wine was accomplished because of the following factors: the presence and concern of Mary, the availability of usable/empty pitchers (vessels), the obedience of the servants and the presence of Jesus.


In like manner, there is a quest that runs in the mind of every Watchman who had tasted of the former/first rain (Joel 2:23; Hag.2:9) which the Lord is set to satisfy with a latter rain that will commence with the LEAP Declarations.


However, the quantity of water collected and stored during a rainfall is dependent on a number of factors amongst which are (i) the availability of storage facility/empty usable vessels, (ii) capacity (of the individual) to work – collect the water



The divinely gazetted long awaited rain is about to fall in the Movement, and it is only usable vessels and those that have capacity to collect that will benefit maximally. (Habk.2:2-3; Heb.11:12).


We are all vessels in the hands of God (2Tim:2:20), but our usability is dependent on our willingness to be used (Rm.12:1-2). The willing is enthusiastic and ready to pay any affordable price to achieve his desire (Isa.1:18,19; 2Cor.9:7-8; Gal.6:7-9; Acts 8:7-20 ). He focuses on his desire and so jettisons anything that will be inimical to its acquisition (Pro.29:18; SofS.2:15; Heb.12:2).


On the other hand, capacity is developed through tutelage. The trainee is expected to have ears that hear and have understanding (Pro.16:22; Jn.10:27; 12:47), and also obey instructions (1Sam.13:13,14; 15:20-22; Isa.1:19; Pro.1:24-28).


The Lord expects all Watchmen to invest and actively participate in the LEAP Declarations programme for great blessings lie therein (Isa.65:8-10; 20:18-23,24).


Participants must therefore pay rapt attention to hear and do what the Spirit says to the church (Rev.2:7,17,29; Jn.2:5; Ps.119:103,105)


It is a season (or time) of entering into the rest of the Lord, let’s prepare for the new wine. HSCF:202


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