It is necessary at this juncture to inform all that: a matured believer has power to a great extent to determine what would be in his life. Because, after the babe (1Pet.2:2) has grown and been refined into a knowledgeable adult (son), he is enabled to determined what will or will not be. He enters the realm of rest where “the Blessing” of the Lord is operational (cons.Heb.4:9-11; Gal.4:1-6; 1Cor.13:11; Pro.10:22).
However, one does not need to become perfect before he begins to enjoy the blessedness of prayers and right use of the tongue (Pro.18:21; Rom.10:10).
It is worthy of note that a believer in Christ, being a citizen of the kingdom of God and belonging to the New Covenant dispensation, is greater than any old testament leader or prophet. (Matt.11:11; cp.Jos.10:8-13; 1Sam.12:16-19).
Therefore, whatever feat an old testament prophet performed or whatever privilege was enjoyed, a believer in Christ is able to perform and enjoy. May the Lord give us all the revelation of this truth. (Eph.1:17-19; Heb.8:7-9).
Our texts portray the tenacity of an intercessor. For though the prophet had done all things (from declaring drought in the land to inviting the people for a contest at the mount) according to the direction of the Lord, yet he needed to persevere in prayers after announcing the imminent weather change (1Kgs.18:36, 41-44).
Remember that it was not until the 7th time that the sign of change became apparent: teaching that one must continue to pray and expect until the perfect time (for 7 is a number of perfection).
It is time to pray until the inclement situations in our lives, families, fellowship change.
Prayer Point: –
1. Ps.75:1-5 – Let’s appreciate God for the GS who has gone through experiences and is filled with resources with which to lead us as a father. Invade the presence of the Lord to keep him and his household always in good health and decree that any form of distractions in his way be brought to an end (Mk.11:23).
2. Ps.20:1- Let’s remind God about all Pastor and his families, asking that the Lord will provide for them and assist them to fulfill their ministries
3. Isa.41:17; Ps.27:10 – Let’s pray for the bereaved and widows, orphans and widowers,
that God will give them the fortitude for the loss and provide for them abundantly.
4. Isa.33:24 – Let’s pray for the sick, that the infirmities disappear
5. Isa.22:1-5 – Tell the Lord what is ailing you. Then make declarations, commanding the turbulence to cease.