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Today, we are looking at a fundamental factor for flourishing in the kingdom. A factor is anything that contributes causally to a result.  Every kingdom has rules, regulations or laws by which the place is run. Wherever there are no regulations, there will be disorder and so no government or rule.


Every born-again person is a citizen of God’s kingdom (Phil.3:20) and needs to know the laws of the kingdom. There are laws that govern various aspects of life in the kingdom. The general quality of life that a citizen enjoys is dependent on the number of principles of the kingdom activated and operational in his life. The knowledge of these principles constitutes the key of the kingdom (Matt.16:19). First fruits rule is pivotal in kingdom prosperity. Out texts show that Abel applied the rule and obtained God’s approval, while the Book of Proverbs challenged God’s people to honour God with it and witness material prosperity.


God commanded His people to keep the rule as a mark of recognition of His ownership of the land. In keeping the rule, a reasonable quantity of the best of the first harvest was brought out for the house of God. Most of the stuff were given to the Priests and Levites (Exo.23:19; Deut.18:1-5; Lev.2:12; 23:9-14; Ezek.44:30). Sometimes the first fruit materials were extended to strangers, and partaken of by the Israelite himself on the feast of first fruits – Pentecost (Deut.26:2,10).



Obviously, the choice of the Lord to send the Holy Spirit on the day of celebration of the feast of first fruits (Pentecost) speaks much of the place of this principle in the kingdom. (Lev.23:9-14, 15-17; Acts 2:1-4).


NB: The bastardization of the principle by covetous false preachers does not negate the veracity of the principle. Failure to activate and sustain this honourable practice will entail missing out in the accompanying blessings/benefits.



When God is honored with the first and best, He will take care of the rest’ (1Sam.2:30; Pro.3:9,10). Many people operate the principle as they engage in quiet time or morning devotion first thing in the morning, with the attendant dividends. But only few have explored it in the business/secular arena (Pro.3:9,10). This is a period of proving every line of the Holy Bible true and capable of working wonders.


The practice of this principle can effectively yields the outstanding blessings; cause obedient multitudes to leap over stubborn obstacles; transform traumatized Jobs into triumphant Jobs.


First fruit principle is vital for kingdom prosperity in which wealth is got without unnecessary pain. (Pro.10:22)


Prayer Points:
1. Job 34:32; Deut. 5:27-29 – Repentance and vow to be obedient to this principle of honour to God
2. Gen.26:13 – Appreciate God for the GS and the divinely embedded resources which are being
disseminated. Pray for full recovery of his health and strength.
3. Pray for Watchman brethren: that the light of this truth will shine in them so that the attendant
blessings may follow
4. Remember our mummy in the faith and her children: that her health will stabilize and the
children advance in their endeavours
5. Personal Prayers