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Men Of Oneness And Care For One-Another

The apostle Paul in writing to Timothy argued that the house of the minister must be in peace and order for him to minister to the Church (1 Timothy 3:4-5).


In the light of the above truth, if we have been sent for the oneness of the church, for a light to sinners and for the deliverance of the oppressed and possessed of demons, then the issue of oneness and care for one-another is not negotiable.



Oneness of Watchmen implies being like-minded in love for the word/truth, the ministry and its activities, the leadership, the brethren, prayer, forgiveness, gifts and virtues, and all other things we have in common (John. 17:21-23; Acts 4:32; 1 Corinthians 1:10; 2 Corinthians 13:11; Ephesians 4:3; Philippians 1:27; 1 Peter. 3:8).  In fact, oneness cannot be overemphasized since otherwise is an irony, as our watcher will say, physician, heal yourself (Luke. 4:23).


On care one-for-another, the lives of the Lord, the apostles and God's people of old are our yardstick (Psalm 115:12; Luke. 12:7; 2 Corinthians 7:12; 11:28).  It is a form of care to seek to win some soul into the kingdom, restore what the devils have stolen from the people, etc.  If we have been called to exercise this care towards others, it must first have been exercised at home (Romans 2:17-21; 2 Timothy 2:6).


All those still living in sin need to first repent and be converted.  Then will they be qualified to receive these other qualities.

Fellowship Song:   Higher Ground (HSCF 154)