What kind of men/women we ought to be in times like this
Quote from missions on June 16, 2018, 12:31 amThe times in which we are, is fast approaching the peak of the last days when the mystery of iniquity is terribly at work (2 Thessalonian. 2:7), manifesting itself in uncontrollably abounding iniquity with the consequence of the love of very many waxing cold (Matt. 24:12). Perilous time witnessing untold hardships, horrible social and political evils, with such massive shifting of many ministers and congregations from the original emphasis of the gospel.
What kind of men/women ought we therefore to be in order to face the ministry of the Watchman at such a time?
The times in which we are, is fast approaching the peak of the last days when the mystery of iniquity is terribly at work (2 Thessalonian. 2:7), manifesting itself in uncontrollably abounding iniquity with the consequence of the love of very many waxing cold (Matt. 24:12). Perilous time witnessing untold hardships, horrible social and political evils, with such massive shifting of many ministers and congregations from the original emphasis of the gospel.
What kind of men/women ought we therefore to be in order to face the ministry of the Watchman at such a time?